...no worries...Obama et al are taking care of biz...God help us!

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FJB & Zelensky & Ukraine

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His daily briefing is getting someone to change his underwear

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When we see him or hear him, it only reinforces how pathetic he is. So the Dems hide him and pretend everything is copasetic. When he came in to sign that horrible ‘inflation’ bill, we quickly saw how weird he looked and acted. Handing Manchin that pen was priceless. Now let’s hide him again. Better left unseen and unheard—at least the WH doesn’t need to explain what he really meant to say or what he didn’t mean. Who really is running this country in the ground? Obama & Rice are my guess.

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The Soviets had a state run media, we have a media run state. The demoralized Ivy Leaguers will keep simping for Brandon, Democrats, and The Current Thing: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-rank-the-top-npc-universities

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His body man just announced he’s quitting for another job .. very unusual at this stage … he’s one of the inner circle .. and he wants out … if the photog quits, all bets are off as to how long Joe is in play .. good reporting on that, Raheem …

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Biden’s nothing no more than the head of the snake. Rice Klain etc are the ones running this country into the ground.

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A suggestion for the Trump "Legal" Team [which, btw, needs one less Sports Illustrated model and one more actual litigator]: Instead of dicking around trying to get your hands on the Application In Support Of The Search Warrant [which---let's face it --- is only gonna show up in drips and drabs over the next half decade], release your own "Our Best Guess Of What The Affidavit Probably Looks Like." Pack your Best Guess Affidavit with tips from "Certified Friends of Law Enforcement" ---including "comments, too numerous to list, overheard by adolescent FBI Informant operating undercover within the Clinton bedroom." Dare Garland to show you where your facsimile goes off the beam.

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I agree Trump has had poor representation legally- 2 weeks to file a lawsuit to stop the FBI from looking at the docs stolen? I know its probably hard to find attorneys but jeez, where is the A Team for Trump? Are his attorneys FBI plants too? ( Just kidding, I think). Seriously though why did they not file for injunction and violation of rights per the 4 th amendment Immediately?? Its not the Trump style.

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The Trump appointed Judge just handed Trump's motion for a Special Magistrate back to Trump's Attorneys ---cuz "it doesn't specify the relief Donald Trump is seeking." It doesn't get worse than that. [Well actually it COULD get worse ---if Trump's attorneys can't articulate exactly what it is they want by this Friday they're gonna get reamed on the record....and the Left is gonna jerk off all weekend on MSNBC].

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Yes unfortunately!! Trump should talk to James Okeefe- never lost yet! He better be calling on Dershowicz and J Sekulow. This really worries me in a more than one way.

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I'm worried too. Trump had "toy" Attorney Generals....and now he has a "toy" legal team. The constitutional arguments available to him on this completely fucked up search are so strong it would seem his position is lawyer-proof.....but it look like his "team" might get it wrong anyway. A first magnitude lawyer could get him outta this WAY before an indictment ---but this crew keeps allowing him to penetrate the justice system further and further. {Same thing happened to Bannon ---there is no way his case shoulda gotten all the way to trial].

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I am not an attorney but everything you just pointed out makes perfect sense to me! Trump seems to be plagued by some losers working for him, just as he had some while in the WH. I was hoping he learned from that. Apparently not.

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Trump knows what it takes to win the White House. He may not know what to do with the prize when he gets there.

[Before Trump came along New York Times Magazine did a piece that went something like, "Maybe what the U. S. needs is a son of a bitch in the White House." Naturally they disavowed this thesis post Trump. But the larger point is ---Trump, though a son of a bitch on the campaign trail, doesn't govern like the son of a bitch the 21st century requires. Bannon out cuz he ---rightfully ---criticized Ivanka and her hubby? No serious loyalists ---such as a certain former Mayor of New York--- in the cabinet? In order to turn this fucking mess around Trump needs to be a little more like Francis Ford Coppola's Captain Willard ....who understood being effective means "being what most people call ruthless ---but really is only seeing things clearly and doing your job like a soldier"].....

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That 2nd sentence might read better if we go with "looks" rather than "look", yes?

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Giuliani would have caught much of the BS early on and known how to handle it. Plus Trump would have listened to him. Trump could have done much more good and drained the swamp by having Rudy there and employing the “ broken windows” program to the administrative state. The traitors would have been “ Fired “ a lot quicker. I was surprised that Trump had so much hesitancy saying “ you’re fired” to Barr and Wray. Good point that he wasn’t enough of an SOB during his tenure! Guess we should apologize to Raheem for the aside to his article mainly calling out Joe Biden. Trump is more interesting a subject and will be for a long time.

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Just think, the deep state is so out of control, they don't even need to pretend JB is doing anything and everyone is just okay with that (including most republican politicians).

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It is so obvious that he is having a harder time putting sentences together and not even reading from the teleprompter very well. They can only give him so much drugs to become coherent before it could make him worse. He took Paxlovid to treat his Vax caused covid ba 4 or ba5 variant, then got it a second time, and some reports say a 3rd. time. That must be very hard on what is left of his metabolism. Also, Dr. Jill got it, too.

We also have the other prevailing theory: Joe has never been calling the shots. We should demand to talk to the person who really is.

P.S> Just read Natalie's National Pulse article on recycling Wind Turbine blades into gummy bears.

Tell her for me: Sow the wind, reap the gummy bears.

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I am 15 minutes from the Fake Biden’s Beach home. Ugh.

Deuteronomy 32:35

"Vengeance is mine, and recompense; their foot shall slip in due time; for the day of their calamity is at hand. And the things to come hasten upon them."

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Corrupt vultures like Schumer and Pelosi love having this brain-dead moron puppet in office.

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They forgot to pencil in nap time and diaper changes.

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Where is the link to see all of Biden's previous schedules?

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Where is says “see for yourself” on the top para.

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I'd say the less the public sees of him, the less they hate him.

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I hear Kamala is in Hawaii - same as Obama - imagine that. They think we are stupid.

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I hope she doesn’t come to my island. Running into her would ruin my day.

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They don’t think

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