Feb 16Edited

It is an absolute shame they ruined the last season but not surprised. Used to be a huge Curb fan but will not watch this season now. Maybe they should redo the Palestinian Chicken episode?

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Larry David IS the definition of a USEFUL IDIOT! He’s NOT funny at all. An ungrateful idiot with too much money who’s completely out of touch with reality. He sees through one lens and through a shitty show pushes his liberal agenda. Who actually watches that 💩? It’s offensive.

Hope someone makes a lawn jockey of Larry David, puts it next to a fire hydrant, then videos a bunch of dogs showing obvious preference to pee on Larry David instead. Now that’s funny!! 😝

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someone better let larry know about fani and her lover......

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David is so over the top with hatred it transforms all he touches into unwatchable psychosis.

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Haven't seen that show ever. I have long curbed my enthusiasm for most anything of the boob-tube, and comedy series "programing" in particular. Thinking outside the box most aptly applies to throwing the TV out. Hollyweird has been mostly leftist elites for decades and wearing their politics on their sleeves has produced mostly drek and unwatchable stuff. I would rather read in most instances. The main excursion back into TV has been the 2 Reacher 8 episode seasons on Amazon, which were enjoyable and because I have read all the Reacher books.

Tell them to curb their dogma.

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I too enjoy reading over TV’s poor attempt at humor. Even the crime shows inject their ugly bias. I’ve read all of Lee Child’s books and thought Prime did a good job at the two seasons based on Reacher books. Eager for third season. Another good show on Prime was the Jack Ryan episodes.

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I read the Clancy Jack Ryan books and saw some of the episodes on Amazon, and saw Hunt for Red October in a theater.. No TV shows ever are as good as the books. I actually re-read Hard Luck and Trouble before I watched season 2 of Reacher. They did a good job of the screen play.

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details matter.

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Glad you watched this insipid show so you could enlighten us. Very good catch as well. You are always worth the read.

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Thank you so much for making yourself the sacrificial lamb, by watching a show, that is tantamount to a toxic waste dump (smell included).

In the past, I have self flagellated, by watching all of the seasons. While there have been some slight glimmers of comedy over the years, "Curb Your Enthusiasm" as a whole, is annoying, overrated and lackluster.

I don't care if the "character" he plays, is allegedly an over-the-top exaggeration of the man, himself. Even a tepid version of David, seems reprehensible, neurotic and just vomit inducing.

It's bad enough, that we are preached to, by all forms of music, entertainment and sports. But, when it is presented In the form of "comedy," well, that is just sacrilege.

For all of his "sanctimony," it sounds like David needs a pacifier, a diaper change and a trip to Del Boca Vista.

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Honestly, didn't know that show was still on and Raheem, well I thought you were doing your own Babylon Bee version. Larry David is...Raheem's favorite word that most women dislike that begins with a C. May a child be named after him, soon.

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Just as an addendum to this: I watched Episode 3 of the latest series last night and while it finally had (almost) no political references, it was also not much better as 40 minutes of supposed “comedy.” The action has now become so formulaic, with Seinfeld-era gags regurgitated for ruinous nostalgia, and the bog-standard “Larry does something obviously stupid and Jeff stupidly follows along and Susie gets predictably mad and then they’re all friends again by the end” formula. Such a waste of time.

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Sounds as though this woke garbage needs to be kicked to the kerb !

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So glad I don’t watch this pathetic show’s attempt at humor. 😩🤦‍♀️

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Larry's funny in most of his episodes, but he plays a contentious privileged fake Commie dick on his show, and it runs out he's the same selfish ingrate fake Commie in real life.

The End.

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Hell, I didn't know the show was still on. I watched a few minutes a few years back. That's more time than it deserved.

Today's progressives show all the wit and humor of a KKK rally. Not surprising, since the progressive movement evolved out of the KKK.

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I tried to watch this show years ago. Larry is just not funny.

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Larry David is a jerk. When we were attending our child's college graduation in a few years ago (his daughter was also graduating) there were long lines of respectful families wrapped around the city blocks waiting their turns to enter the graduation facility. Most families had been in line for at least an hour. As we approached the entry area after having waited in line, David and his large group suddenly appeared across the street. We watched as he scoured the line and crowd. He then just walked across the street with his large group and inserted himself with our group. No waiting like everyone had to wait. What an jerm.

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