“Our bus leaving the Palestinian territories was stoned by the very Palestinian children for whom our taxes, in part, funded the “education”. One of the windows was smashed. It was hardly an “incident” at all – quite commonplace I understand.”

Substitute the word Palestinian for Harvard, same thing.

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And now the government schools in the west are doing the same thing and worse.

Good people of every religion should mourn the death and injury of all the children and innocents from either side. The cycle of hatred goes on and on: Rinse (the blood off the pavement) and repeat. Qui Bono? The rich men north of Richmond and their counterparts in most every country. Will we ever learn? Or, the haters gonna hate and the fighters gonna fight. and the rest need to be out of the way. (increasingly hard to do given the technology of war at hand now.)

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Islam has never stopped killing non believers, for that reason.

They can be manipulated, but take away everything from them, give them no support and they will still kill non believers.

How do you stay out of the way of that.

But I agree with your overall point

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How to stay away from that? Live where the numbers of intolerant religion people aren't. (whatever religion the claim to profess) I moved from cities at age 24 (long time ago) I have stayed rural for 48 years. Exception: 6 months in Ft Lauderdale for some education courses. 1st evening there after dinner at a restaurant with an a friend we were partly surrounded by some men who were spreading out around us. My friend pulled out a gun but did not point it. The lead guy said "we thought you were someone else" and they beat a hasty retreat. I went armed the rest of my time there myself. I prefer to live where I don't need to go armed. Now my best advice for folks: stay away from protests and mobs. stay away from bars and clubs late at night. Nothing good happens at 2:00 AM. Don't wear your politics on your shirt, cap, bumper sticker, or front lawn.

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You want to be the last one.

Nothing wrong with self interest.

Keep ur head down and powder dry.

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A two state solution will never solve the problem. Hamas wants death to all Israeli's and until HAMAS is removed, there won't be peace for Israel or Palestine.

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It's the Muslim Brothehood.

Hezbolla is their army.

Hamas is just a small division.

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You are correct about our own stupidity. Somehow we think that the nicer and more generous we are to terrorists, we'll turn them around. It's never going to happen.

I feel as you do and write at commonfolk365.substack.com. Come take a look!

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More crappy leftist ideology. Makes me want to vomit!

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Extremely disappointed that the author confuses causes with effects. I’m a European of Ashkenazi descent and I’m disappointed about the European support for the Zionist settler colonialism project.

Hamas was created and funded by Israel. The goal: to undermine the support for the secular Fatah. And now the Palestinians are blamed for the rise of Hamas? Hello?

We’ve indeed seen this movie with the CIA-created Mujahideen. We indeed know how it ends. Well, some of us do, anyway.

Finally, Zionism is not Judaism and is not Jews. There are many anti-Zionist Jewish organisations.

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Damned straight.

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That's the best opener I have read in a long time...

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Muhammad called the Jews of his day “people of the Book”. Unfortunately they disrespected him and made fun of his ignorance (he was illiterate). The states of Palestine and Israel did not exist yet, but the seed of enmity was sown.

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As I read the latest post by Konstantin kisin, the UK is beginning to realize why neighboring Arab countries won’t accept Palestinians fleeing the Israeli scorched earth campaign. Unfettered immigration has created “no go” zones there that are only policed by Sharia law. Look to France!

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Liam Neeson

Les mis

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Raheem - my Pulse+ app is not working and hasn't for several weeks. Just trying to let you know. Have tried reinstall. I miss it!

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Thanks for the up close observation. The insanity of funding our own destruction. The people that call themselves Palestinians have been victims of their leaders for almost 100 years now. Now they are cannon fodder again.


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In 2007 we got lost and ended up in the West Bank. We asked for directions and were curtly directed to a dead end street. A gaggle of young boys with what looked like rocks in their hands surrounded our car and we suddenly realized we were not safe. Later we found out that the license plate on our car identified us as the enemy.

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Sadly, You are a voice crying in the wilderness.

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Sadly, The product of teaching hate.

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