Aren't You Sick of This Same Movie?
I am. It's written and produced by the West's outgoing gerontocracy. And it's going to take all of us to clean up the mess.
This is an excerpt of a full analysis piece I’ve written for The National Pulse.
I visited Israel and the Palestinian territories in 2012. One time, my appendix burst, as I was shouting at the left-wing UK Ambassador – in his residence – about how Britons like me didn’t want their taxes going to Palestinian education programmes that were evidently radicalizing a new generation of Hamas-sympathizers and Israel-delegitimizers in the region.
The conversations that are taking place on social and broadcast media are precisely the same as back then, during a week-long Israel operation known as both Operation Pillar of Cloud and Operation Pillar of Defense.
Our bus leaving the Palestinian territories was stoned by the very Palestinian children for whom our taxes, in part, funded the “education”. One of the windows was smashed. It was hardly an “incident” at all – quite commonplace I understand – but for me it underscored the radicalization problem of which we share slivers in the U.S., UK, and Europe.
United Nations, U.S., EU, and UK-funded schools and teachers pump the minds of their young full of hardline Islamism. Not religious Islam. Not spiritual Islam. But political Islam. It’s a Muslim, theocratic, ultra-nationalism that last week’s Hamas terrorists would likely have encountered when they were young. They would’ve been in school back in the 90s, 2000s, and 2010s. So now we’re reaping our own stupidity.
“Our bus leaving the Palestinian territories was stoned by the very Palestinian children for whom our taxes, in part, funded the “education”. One of the windows was smashed. It was hardly an “incident” at all – quite commonplace I understand.”
Substitute the word Palestinian for Harvard, same thing.
And now the government schools in the west are doing the same thing and worse.
Good people of every religion should mourn the death and injury of all the children and innocents from either side. The cycle of hatred goes on and on: Rinse (the blood off the pavement) and repeat. Qui Bono? The rich men north of Richmond and their counterparts in most every country. Will we ever learn? Or, the haters gonna hate and the fighters gonna fight. and the rest need to be out of the way. (increasingly hard to do given the technology of war at hand now.)