Britain didn’t want Churchill in the 1930s until the Nazi Anschlüss, but he was the only credible leader in time of crisis.

Today, the UK is in crisis thanks to 75 years of socialism, wokeism and unhindered immigration.

The only credible leader for Britain’s modern self-induced crisis is NIGEL FARAGE.

Maybe after many 1000s of deaths from freezing all winter due to self-destructive embargoes against Russia, the British people will tell their feckless political parties to F-off and demand Farage.

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Oct 20, 2022Liked by Raheem Kassam

Indeed you called it!. The whole damn political world is crumbling before our eyes taking the economies and pension funds with them. As a topping on the cake, today the CDC voted 15 to 0 that the coof jabs will be put on the vax schedule for children 0 to 15 years old. Adding to that they decreed no liability for the clot shot manufacturers. What next?

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Oct 20, 2022Liked by Raheem Kassam

Excellent article by Raheem.

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Globalist coup in real time.

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The Rosette donkey may be the sanest solution ...

its still better than Biden

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Making herstory!

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The only thing shorter than Liz Truss’s premiership is people’s memories, it seems. This Newsweek article is as normie as one would expect a Newsweek article to be, very unbecoming of Raheem, of whom I am a long-suffering fan. I appreciate the war for civilisation requires sleight of hand, deceitful espionage and Sun Tzu levels of misdirection from those fighting on the public front lines, but we are long past the time for Queensbury Rules and pulling punches in clown world, or we are condoning wilful devastation. We are at the mercy of megalomaniacal, soulless lunatics committing democide in broad daylight unchallenged, and articles like these simply provide validation cover. Elite psychopaths are engineering chaos and ruin through iatrogenesis, financial abandon and limitless corruption. They are no longer “our” government. Indeed, I am not sure they ever were. When was the last time mass murdering criminals ever had their victims’ best interests at heart? Theirs and all other Western government policies and decisions of the last 20 but primarily 3 years, obfuscated by media lackeys and turbo-charged by globalist puppet masters, have wrought deliberate excess mortality death, misery, ill health, economic ruin, stunted progress and social devastation on the economies, communities and families of the nations they pretend to protect but conspire to destroy, that would make your average totalitarian, psychotic eugenicist blush.

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Oct 20, 2022Liked by Raheem Kassam

Good call, Raheem!

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Oct 20, 2022Liked by Raheem Kassam

So thankful for your insight, as always.

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Nigel Farage said on Fox that some globalist will take over and the Conservative party in Britain is dead. Wonderful.

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Raheem - think you and Nigel could do it? Nigel said on Bannon this morning he couldn't do it alone. Ok, that's understandable, possibly you with more like you two would be a formidable group!!

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Oh Boy... We need your voice back on War Room. My heart breaks for my Lincolnshire family.

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Poor UK can't catch a break...!

I remember when Boris got elected - the jubilation in the streets! Then the very next day he went on a Carbon-Zero binge and that was that, another globalist idiot (albeit more affable than most).

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Writes Where Is John Fisher?

2 min ago

Raheem, great article as usual. As a first generation American, parents both from UK, I think we need a new Cromwell. We need to get rid of the Monarchy and City of London. I don't think Nigel is up for it. Any ideas? Just thinking .... Maybe it is time you moved back to UK.

I think the immediate reasons for getting rid of Liz Truss was that she, I believe, authored to get rid of the Northern Ireland Protocol which would have sealed the deal on Brexit.

thanks for all you do!

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"the wider British public will have no say in the matter,"

It is the wider British public who vote for unworthy MPs in the first place! Most MPs of either party are only in it it for themselves, not for the country as a whole. There are many, especially on the Labour side, who could never hold down a job outside parliament that pays £84,144 plus perks and expenses so generous that they would put most private companies out of business.

The Conservatives were elected with a majority of 80. This has all been thrown away because the government was more woke and liberal than Conservative. For example, they have utterly failed on illegal immigration. Is that what so many brave men and women fought and gave their lives for in WWII? They managed to stop Hitler crossing the channel but our present leaders can't stop the immigrants.

Whatever the state of the donkeys with blue rosettes, the country will be in even worse shape if the donkeys with red rosettes get into power!

There's much to be said for the Monster Raving Loony Party because they are the only ones who know that they are loonies!

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More globalists shenanigans at play. Raheem is indeed the Oracle!

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