WATCH: Obama Admits His ‘Pro Democracy’ Initiatives Are Losing Against China.

In a speech in Denmark today, the former President acknowledges the pro-China arguments appear to be holding.

By now most have noticed Kamala Harris’s pablum sounds, at least in tone, like former President Barack Obama. The circumlocutory, vacuous, chitty-chatty condescension is an Obama hallmark. And the man who many believe is pulling most of the left’s political strings in Washington, D.C. has certainly not lost his talent for hollow rhetoric, as evidenced by today’s speech in Copenhagen, Denmark.

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One moment that stood out in particular showed a frustrated Obama attempting to square the circle of how his “pro-democracy interventionism” has led to few gains for developing nations who are now, in fact, mostly convinced by China’s money and therefore its authoritarianism.

It’s worth taking the two minutes to note that even the Obama Foundation’s own “young leaders” are unconvinced by once-idol’s “democracy promotion,” and how globalists are quickly losing control of the places they sent bucket loads of your cash to, ostensibly to keep the Chinese Communist Party at bay.

Read in full below, or watch the clip above:

A few weeks ago, I met with some young leaders who’d just completed one of our Obama Foundation programs. We were in New York City. One of the participants was a remarkable young African who built an organization that expands educational opportunities for underserved youth, and he asked me a question. He said, “President Obama, how do I answer my peers who argue that democracy in our country has failed to deliver? Everywhere, we see corruption, poverty, a lack of progress, despite election after election. When my peers look at China,” he said, “they see a model of orderly advancement and material improvement in peoples’ lives. So even if it means restrictions on some freedoms, isn’t that worth the trade-offs?”

Instinctively, I pointed out that the same system in China that his friends were praising now had let millions die of starvation and produced the chaos of the Cultural Revolution. I told the young man that he was too young to remember what life was like in his own country, before democracy came, that there had been a brutal civil war that also resulted in the death of millions, chronic corruption and then strife under subsequent military regimes. So I told him, “You need to broaden your lens,” and he listened politely. What was he going to do? Maybe he was even moved by my arguments, but you could tell he didn’t think his peers would be, at least not until those arguments were accompanied by measurable changes in their lives, where they live, in the here and now, not by reference to what happened 30 or 40 or 50 years ago.
