Hearing Obama pose as some defender of western Democracy instead of the globalist grifter he is makes me chuckle.

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Go back and READ Raheem's text of the vid.....We are a Constitutional Republic. We practice Representative democracy. The LIAR STILL LIES....commie-eff-tard!!!! (Raheem..help us keep an eye on Obie's travels....Also peeps...take NOTE: ObamaFoundationAmerica all this time has been training future radicals to be shock-troops...err...."community organizers" like himself.

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I can’t listen to this man talking, he’s a hypocrite

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He has always and still does turn my gut. What a load of codswallop.

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Raheem i love ur work with Steve Bannon.

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I have to give up my freedom for the government to improve my life! Isn’t that what we pay them for! Improve are lives! More tyrant word from a democrat president!

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If you love "orderly advancement" over freedom, then you will live as a slave.

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Jun 10, 2022·edited Jun 10, 2022

Vacuous, indeed, he’s on every side of every issue. Blah, blah, blah…saying nothing of substance.🥱 If we were truly a democracy, we would have been exactly like China years ago. Unfortunately, our young are studying revisionist history.🙁 I guess time will tell.🤔

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Jun 11, 2022·edited Jun 11, 2022

Brother, he's 'acknowledging' nothing;

he's moving rhetorical overton windows toward 'legitimizing' discourse re policy 'options' a la PoohXi 'authoritarianism'/iron-boot-tyranny, to effect the 'measurable changes' he *claims* his 'young leaders' demand, in return for their 'support' of that tyranny.

iow, this serpent is whispering how 'essential' it is to do whatever it takes to 'improve' lives so as to win the approbation/support of those lives so 'improved'.

this multilayered/'meta' approach indicates obamas' puppet status, whose strings are pulled by soros, or klaus, or whomsoever.

ps- no doubt in my mind that the story is wholly fabular; as in 'never happened'.

it's too formulaicly pat.


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Obama is the Six Degrees of Separation President...not what you think he is ..

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I doubt Obama is teaching free market principles. But he is wrong for preaching Chinese success. China is not diversified. They succeed because of monoculture. For 3000 years they have lived in the same country. They "culturally know" that survival is best achieved by blind cooperation with a network of local neighbors, who cooperate with other local neighborhoods. The entire country is becoming a panorama of diversified small businesses. Like colonial America.

Afica, on the other hand will continue tribal wars, at least economically. & then, there's the crime problem.

China, you steal or kill, you hang. It works.

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You mean Obama has HIS "Young Leaders" like Klaus Schwab has HIS???

Deeply, DEEPLY troubling, and evidence of a globalist putsch...

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Obomba loser!

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The thumbnail looks just like an orchestral maestro.

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apparently Barry wants to turn a blind eye to the genocide of the Uyghurs

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apparently Barry wants to turn a blind eye to the genocide of the Uyghurs

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