Never heard a better description of this slime than "odious, garbled, hypocritical, snollygostery"

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Also liked Washington Post “scribbler”!

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Raheem is a master of the 'Queens English'! ;)

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He is, that!

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I confess I had to look up "snollygostery" 😂 And, now that I have, I can scarcely wait for the opportunity to call some deserving unprincipled lout a snollygoster!

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My new favorite word.

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ZAP! POW! ZING! Loved every bit of this, Raheem. Thanks!

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I don't think we need new legislation.. I think we need a fund that finances legal action against reporters and people like Lorenz who consistently lie and deliberately twist the truth. Let it get in front of a jury a few times and I think things might turn around. For too long we've relied on journalistic integrity and the derision of their peers to police the actions of 'reporters'. They have proven that most have no integrity and those that do, refuse to call out the "odious, garbled, hypocritical snollygosters"

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"Oh by gosh, by golly, it's time for garbled snollygostery."

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You had me at, "Snollygostery" :) Great word.

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You are charitable in your assessment of Ms Lorentz. I'm not sure she has a conscience, or--if there-- it is buried under 30 years of leftist orthodoxy. I usually side with nature over nurture, but both may apply.

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Make that 43 years of leftist orthodoxy.

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Great read. The media is, unfortunately, full of attractive readers who are not very bright. They are lazy, mediocre and driven by corporate profits. They are more like entertainers who crave eyeballs and accolades. Placing judgment on them would be a great, but who would judge?

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Yes Hannah , yes... what you said..

(Well done Raheem)

Hannah Fitch54 min ago

Reinstate the Smith Mundt Modernization Act...this is Obama's executive order that allowed malarky to pass for news...

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Reinstate the Smith Mundt Modernization Act...this is Obama's executive order that allowed malarky to pass for news...

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Good Lord you are needed daily in the battle for good over evil. Get married, energize your jubblies and get back to slaying evil dragons everyday. Yor voice is so incredibly necessary to the future of our world submitted to the LORD God. We long for the value and sage advice of your large bearded brain, make us all better with your wisdom and perseverance.

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I’m done with Corporate Media, Fox & Newsmax included

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Where is Gonzalo Lira? That's a story they could cover if they cared about real news!

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Incredible Raheeem! Excellent article and description of her behavior. I do like the idea of some type of appeal option. You're onto something with this.

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Taylor Lorenz is a boil on the butt of journalism. Time to lance the boil.

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Shame on you, Raheem - I'm sure you made Lorenz cry!

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Tales From the Great Reset: I was a Project Veritas Victim. If it can happen to me, it can happen to you

- Fredo, a journalist working for a major media network, was the most recent Project Veritas victim to be caught on video saying things he now regrets. This is his Project Veritas victim story.


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Once the oligarch led corporate media has been neutered, there's only one entity that will control speech and we all know who it is. Any appeals process will be corrupted by those assigned to do the processing....similar to any other governmental agency.

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