Bottom line --- Bannon was 99% right when he told Trump it would constitute a step in a better direction if he sent his daughter and her hubby on a long vacation. This isn't to say Jared isn't hugely talented. He is. The difference between him and his Team Bannon critics, though, is Kushner uses his considerable skillset to shield himself from deep shit trouble while Team Bannon uses their limited resources to meet the deep shit challenges head on.

Bottom Line: Jared is not someone you want on your side in a knockdown, drag out fight. He's fallen too much in love with himself for that [maybe let's just say General Patton would recommend him for promotion and leave it there].

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Meanwhile, put me on Bannons team any day of the week and twice on Sundays!

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Yep. With all due respect to Tennyson, this time The Light Brigade is coming out the other side of the Valley of Death ..... In Victory...


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Great read. Makes me glad to know Tennyson still holds to modern thought. Or I just need a new circle of well read friends.

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Onward Legionnaires!

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There should be a BIG "not" between "would" and "recommend" in that sentence re promotion by Patton.

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I bet his eyes hurt after the read.

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I'll admit I'm never reading the book, but it is interesting to me that Navarro had a really negative take on the book and your perspective is a lot different. Interesting insight about Fauci from the excerpt on his negativity on the Trump administration's efforts and his intent to instill fear (while also suppressing early treatments).

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Navarro is highly credible, imv.

Received his signed gift book yesterday as he promised.

He is sorely needed next time too.

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Sep 29, 2022·edited Sep 29, 2022

Interesting to consider the three leadership personalities of Trump, Jared the Great, and Steve the Terrible. Two of the three have leadership qualities that persuade teams to follow into battle, willing to die. And the third is a potential leader, maybe smarter than one or both of the others, but few will ever follow for fear he'll run when the shit hits the fan.

Trump understands large company leadership. Bannon understands war. Kushy Kushner understands looking good, getting credit, and personal survival.

Hard pass on the opinion of a self absorbed pretty (smart) boy.

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Well, it is good to see your perspective on the book. I saw Kushner on Gutfield a few days ago = book promotion tour. Meh! I don't plan to buy or read it. I do hope, that if Pres. Trump does run and win in 2024 he has a better group of trustable people surrounding him. It was his main failing, probably because he and we underestimated the all pervasive depth of the swamp he/we wanted to drain. We now have a much better revelation of how captured, corrupt, and out for themselves so much of our government is. Not to mention the globalist cabal.

Citizen Free Press put up this interview between Peter Navarro and Emerald Robinson which fills out the perspective some: https://citizenfreepress.com/breaking/peter-navarro-speaks-on-kushner/

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Agreed 100%, Swabbie.

As a political outsider, one might expect some blunders. For sure, Jared and Ivanka working the vetting line was a major one. The next term is for keeps, the last chance at bat. Hopefully, he has better advisors. No, wait, he MUST have better advisors. AND, hopefully, immediately after completing his Oath of Office, he immediately starts the swamp flush. I am looking forward to hearing lefties squeal.

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Always thought both Jared and Ivanka were too liberal, but his help with the Abraham Accords was masterful. Glad he called out that little twit Fauci, but at the time should have pushed harder to be rid of him, especially when the President needs to ask to change all the doom and gloom. But little did we know, that’s Fauci MO for decades as he peddles fear and waste billions but never finding a cure. Also like description of McConnell, what a weak leader he is, definitely needs replaced.

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The depth of Fauci's actual evil is not widely known yet. The 41 labs in Ukraine, funding lab work in China that was outlawed at home - China where the military runs the labs. Funding the experiments (of aids experimental very toxic medications) on those 85 little black orphanage kids in NY in 2005, somehow, has eluded investigation. Talk about 'white privilege of a lefty). Oh well, they were only economically disadvantaged little orphans, who'll miss them? They are buried on the grounds of that orphanage.

The photos of those little guys are heart breaking.

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Oh I know. After reading RFK Jr’s book, I was horrified by this evil man. Gates too is documented in his lust for vaccines & depopulation. Both are the epitome of evil personified.

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Sep 29, 2022Liked by Raheem Kassam

Excellent review, Raheem. Greatly nuanced, as few reviews are nowadays. Please keep doing what you're doing.

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Thank you!

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I would read it after your recommendation, but he makes me a little queasy. I don't quite trust him.

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Agree here. Thank you, R, for taking the pain to your eyes for reading for us.

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My favorite line, “Steve Bannon never apologizes for anything, even when he’s wrong “. That make me laugh, but I’m not waiting on an apology from Steve.

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That’s what I like about Bannon, cause he’s almost always right and if he’s not, it’s not his fault. I know that’s a stretch, but I do admire his willingness to fight.

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I don’t know, until you’re in a relationship with someone who’s lips cannot form the apology and you realize it’s because their brain can’t grasp voicing a reluctance or slight negative doubt about themself, you may not like it in anyone.

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Well a personal relationship is entirely different. I like Bannon’s spunk.

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Ok, i didnt want to go there but was that a hint as to why we don't see RK on war room anymore?

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Thank you so much Raheem for your very interesting comments about Kuchner's book. Thank you for the time it took you to listen and write. Much appreciated

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I may be too cynical, but Jared's Fauci story sounds like he's covering his ass and distancing himself from Fauci knowing what's ahead following Nov. 8 for the Fauci-Birx CCP COVID agenda.

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Guess who is gna get the finger pointed at them ?

Guess who that person is gna throw under the bus?

Guess who will have an ugly stain in the history books ?




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Sorry, sir, but your misread. That stain in history books is actually praise for making the nation energy independent, trying to make NATO pay their promised fair share, trying to uncover the corruption of the Biden Hunter crimes in Ukraine's energy industry. Also, charities have expressed thank yous for his gifts of salaries for 4 years. Patriotism and justice not known by lefties.

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All you have said about Trumps accomplishments are true. He has been one of the best president in the history of the US.

But if you think he handled the covid problem well I respectfully disagree.

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True, for sure. Definitely. In fact, it would be interesting how Fauci was chosen. The most nonscientific of the purported scientific. How he got away with funding illegal (USA) research in China and Ukraine needs investigation by law enforcement. In effect, he funded China's military with bad bugs for war; actually, an act of treason.

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Forgot - one might wonder whether Jared or Ivanka actually recommended Fauci.

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Wow! Please say it ain't so.

IF Prez Trump includes Jared and Ivanka again in his decision-making group, it will be yet another sabotage to his effort. We were told Jared and Ivanka did a lot of the vetting of advisors last time. Obviously, that did not work out overly great. Well, shinguentes, it was a downright disaster - one after the other did their back stabbing stint then left to publish a book. Mr. Trump simply must keep these two lefties outside.

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If Steve really did say that Ivanka is dumb as a brick, I completely agree.

Just watch her speak in a forum without a script.

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Maybe a tad harsh. Probably somewhere between a brick and a very smart 8th grader. The big problem: she's not All-In. The proof came when she agreed with Barr on January 6th.


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Your assessment is very convincing because you tend to be a masterful persuader. However, I will not likely be a recipient of any form of his work. He has done a great job with the Abraham Accords and I only hope it holds. Thanks again for your clear and concise effort.

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Great review .. good to get past the name calling.. I don’t want to think of the guy who helped President Trump set up the Abraham Accords as my enemy ..

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@WarRoom I cannot pretend to understand the concept of an infinite number of parallel universes, each separate reality existing independently and simultaneously, formed at branch points of key events and decisions. I not smart enough to be a theoretical physicist. But having read “Breaking History” by Jared Kushner, and just completing “Taking Back Trump’s America” by Peter Navarro - I am really confused. I didn’t realize that some of the separate universes within the overall multiverse could actually overlap, intermingle, and intertwine TOGETHER. Wow! Cool!

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I think you've hit on the problem, Rand --- as a definitional matter, the separate universes CAN'T intermingle.

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I'm intrigued to purchase the book but i do not like this guy and do not want to give him any profit. I will just wait to find it at my Church's rummage sale one day and purchase it there for $1.00.

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I wouldn’t even go so far as spending a dollar. That’s what libraries are for. And ebooks from the library even better. If I don’t like it, I don’t even have to bother with a trip to the library to take it back. Raheem’s review might tempt time to give it a read, but I also would never put any money in kushners pocket

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I as well

Hindsight will be 2020.

See what I did there?

Clever this one.

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