Can we talk about this, too?

China Builds Port in Bahamas, Provides ‘Military Assistance’ And Equipment 180 Miles Off U.S. Coast


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CCP's port operating company took control of port operations in San Francisco years ago. They also made a play for control of operations at either LA or Long Beach port but it didn't go through at the time, not sure if it eventually was approved. There was lots of news on it at the time but much has been scrubbed. My memory of the news is imprecise on timing, could've been under Clinton-Bush-Obama administration, sorry for long window. If you go on the SF port website it has a Sister Ports link. Same operating company in those ports. Including two of China's largest. Some better sleuthing than I can ferret it out from here.


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ChiComs already run the Panama Canal, have for years. Thanks to the NWO democRat, Jimmy Carter.

now JoBama the current democRat Resident has armed the Taliban to take over Pakistan. That's Nuclear Armed Pakistan, btw.

After 20 years of USSA's war for profit and our blood, the Taliban Returns and with JoBama's military "donation"becomes a nuclear power? That's a real success story!!! (SARC)


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Actually, Carter gave up US control of the PC, formal transference from US dominion. Well ahead of the treaty's end date.

It was the Clinton administration that signed off on CCP control of port, a security protocol that Carter's terms of transfer required.

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Both are democRats and filthy bolsheviks. thanks for the clarification!

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You and Natalie do wonderful service to our obviously troubled country and I appreciate it greatly. Unfortunately, it seems we are all preaching to the choir. This China strategy has been in the works for years and our elected officials, MSM, and entrenched bureaucracy are now beholden to them. Also contributing to this, is our own lack of understanding of world history. I guess, it will just keep repeating itself until we’re done. 😢

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The answer is not to roll over and die.

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Part of the strategy used by the global administrative state apparatus is to fatigue us into hopelessness and depression.

Do not allow it.

There is much we as individuals can do to help awaken others. Be creative. Post notes on bulletin boards, power poles, windshields etc. Show up at city council meetings and school board meetings. Do not comply with mandates - especially masks and vacs.

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Not rolling over, I have been fighting for this country since I was 20 and that’s over 50 years ago. Just getting old and frustrated I guess.

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"When justice is not swiftly executed, the hearts of men are set in them to do evil"

Too much "life saving" going on. Judges, Media, Medicine, Law Enforcement, etc. etc. etc.

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As Madeline Kahn once said in a funny movie: "is twu, is twu!"

The China communist leaders have ran circles around the USA since Mr. Nixon foolishly opened that door. MS completely sold out to them back in the late 1990s. My hubby's good friend (CHG) back then (a China national PhD graduate here in mathematics) was hired by Mr. Bill Gates to travel across China interviewing PhDs there for positions in MS development there. Anyone really believe part of China's success in hacking was not related to the close relationship with those PhDs? While we are at it - anyone believe China's Confucian gameship here does not have an agenda beneath the surface? It appears that only American politicians have so much unawareness of what game is being played. Consider the crime family of cognitively challenged Joe Biden - China owns him and his degenerate son (who slept with his then recently dead brother's wife - as if further evidence to their degeneracy were needed). Through all this degeneracy the american voter went camping, ball games, bought battery cars and huge diesel pickups without giving one iota of thought to the behavior of their elected reps. Shameful.

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60 Minutes Australia ran this story of CCP China's interference in democratic elections across the world, including in Taiwan. A sophisticated spy network has been set up, using student activists, social media, legacy media and Manchurian candidates in targeted nations.

This episode that aired in November, 2019 begins by focusing on Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea. Asian democracies that are close neighbors of China. Easy to brush off if you're Anglo/Euro-centric. I've linked to where it begins to discuss CCP China's espionage/Manchurian efforts in Australia. Prior to 2020 it was arguably the closest to American values of any other nation. Conservative MP Andrew Hastie who sits on Parliament's Intelligence oversight committee shares what he is able to share in the interview. He's very careful and disciplined in his language when asked for some specifics.

I encourage Raheem and readers to watch the entire episode. What is described in it isn't limited to just the nations it focuses on. This is happening in the US, UK, Canada, across the western world. And don't think for a moment that it's just the left, D's who are perpetrators. Or that it's just CCP Chinese behind this. There are "friends" on the right, R's, and Fascist Global Corporatists behind it, supportive of these efforts to destroy western democracy as we know it. The 60 Minutes Austrailia airing served as fair warning to us. That most never saw or did not heed.

(timestamped at espionage efforts in Australia)


WORLD EXCLUSIVE: Chinese spy spills secrets to expose Communist espionage

60 Minutes Australia

November 24, 2019

(entire episode)


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Don’t forget about China or Chinese linked companies buying up farmland. This too needs addressed by State AGs to stop foreign purchases of our land.

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When we get owned on the battlefield, I duly hope a few DC parasites find themselves in close proximity to the policies they caused and cashed out on. There has to be a final consequence for those stupid and sociopathic ills that made their roost in DC for the last 40 years.

While I hope otherwise, the world is going to be a very foreign place to us all in mere years. The cuckoo social agenda will probably be outdone by the Marxist-Fascist economic destruction we will soon see in the U.S. Look abroad - and that is coming full tilt to all the "advanced" economies.

Such stupidity was pushed (this 'Reset' that you don't hear anything but platitudes) to cover for the controlled collapse (bankruptcy) of all these "so-called" Western powers. BlackRock/Vanguard & BIS (Bank of International Settlements) are taking into Receivership the West. Alongside the digital currency rollout - passports - vaccines - et. al., these WEF/DC parasites still play along with China. Learning how to control populations by force, threat and detention. The magic virus gave them all the impetus and authority that these assholes never let go.

Netherlands times 1,000 is needed worldwide. If billions don't revolt, we are truly done for soon enough.

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They all sold out to them. The Chinese tentacles are woven throughout the corporate world, the WEF?CFR/Atlantic Council/etc. globalist sycophants are All In.

The control of corporate media is essential to their schemes. Want to see how deep it has gone already, look at Naomi Wolf's substack piece about "facing the beast". Pfizer's BionTech vaccine/testing entity is partnered with a CCP corporate front. Chinese injections straight into the bloodstreams of American children and their swabs up your nose. Biden just signed a huge multi-bilion $ deal with them.

They own the Bidens.

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Many don't realize the war with China has already been started and it did not start in Taiwan. It is already on our shores and in the Halls of Congress. Semper-Fi Sir.

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Good post. The irony comes on two fronts, RK.

1. China banks are in deep doo doo, loaded with bad paper and not letting people get their money.

2. China’s history is such that the people they plant in countries they want to take over, usually get executed first because anyone that would sell out their own country can’t be trusted.

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Thank you for a rare statement of fact. How did we sell out our independence to a global opponent ? Most of us assume it is incompetence, but are we being sold out deliberately ?

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There is an Intel facility coming to Ohio. I am suspect of cronyism. I feel bad saying that but this crony style of business destroys states.

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When things ALWAYS seem to benefit one entity, I stop thinking it's the result of some shortcoming (ie chickenhawks), but rather the result of planning. In the case of China, it seems they excel at infiltration and getting people in other countries to somehow support them. This substack on Matt Pottinger really got me thinking. https://michaelpsenger.substack.com/p/matt-pottinger-the-intelligence-agent?utm_source=%2Finbox&utm_medium=reader2 China seems to have no tolerance for criticism and yet this guy gets a pass? Fishy.

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CCP, the 21st Century Nazi Germany/Soviet Union/Maoism rolled into 1. Death to them all including our Quislings.

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1: the Rand study has a couple significant errors. In a scuffle, China would be hurt, no doubt. However, America would be nearly mortally wounded.

2: China is much better prepared for action beyond the initial face off. Due to American generals pushing wokism, we have less fighter pilots, fewer Navy Seals, fewer of other critical members. Worse, our military is unable to recruit sufficiently. So, bottom line, the American military is functioning considerable less than optimum. That media, schools, leftists here shower the young with lies of history and work daily to remove patriots for our society also will be a factor in a scuffle. China recognizes patriotic citizens and regularly talks about working for the Motherland.

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Love him or not, Trump wasn't afraid to bash China. Maybe that's at the very core of why he had to be silenced.

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Awesome specificity and factual writing. I appreciate your very professional perspective as always. Keep up this great reporting.

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The cult is treading a fine line here. The ideologues pursue a 2-part strategy which aims to i) destroy America in order to ii) usher in a new technocratic hegemony of the global elites. The problem is that they now confront a SIno-Russian axis that shares only one of their aims.

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