We should Subvert the Subversion by accusing all the trump derangement substackers celebrating the dueling. Accuse them of rape under the same circumstances she did: https://substack.com/@yuribezmenov/note/c-48240445?utm_source=notes-share-action&r=j3a7

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Nothing but a farce with a bias judge. Carroll and her handlers wreak of corruption.

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If anyone takes the time to read E Jean's columns (still available from Elle Magazine). I found her columns to be infantile and rife with instructions/advice to manipulate and avoid accountability for one's own choices. Any expectation of accurate under-oath testimony from her seems highly unlikely---situational ethics and perceptions detached from reality and fact seem to be the alter upon which she prays.

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When (if ever) will THIS kind of nonsensical shit end? WTF??

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Nice work, Raheem. 💪🌟🇺🇸

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Interesting that Roberta Kaplan is not only Carroll’s lawyer but Ashley Biden’s as well.

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So, was there a "verdict"? I hadn't heard, don't follow that BS case, but I know it's all a huge LIE and that woman has no morals or ethics, and was USED by criminal lawyers to go after an innocent man.

It will be overturned.

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It's unbelievable how transparently corrupt and pathetic our legal system has become.

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Anyone who glances at E Jean Carrol should recognize

that isn't anything President Trump would ever touch

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Donald Trump would never rape any woman! And E Jean weirdo is plenty icky!

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Well, The Republican double-minders lask foresight, lack unity to fight with a press war room, and lack the guts to call people like Morning Joe a liar and prove it.

What you need is real focused people who have the gift to see what is coming. It is clear, many Christians know by the end of 2025 America will be handed over to Communism if people do not do something.

But, it is more insidious that that Raheem. it is the PREDICTIVE PROGRAMMING that Republicans lack seeing and is the signal!

For example: CIVEL WAR - the movie is coming out in April! This is not Christian Prophesy, it is Lucifers way to brainwash the masses into action and civil chaos! Just in time for the elections! The Prince of the Power of the Air is helping the weak minded and demon possessed politicians to move forward, and the Republicans are off in tangents!

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it gets worse than reported here. I currently have 4 articles on the E Jean Carroll fiasco with more to come as I just purchased her book What do we need men for.

twenty pages in--and it's quite evident the book is both fictional and over the top.

go to my substack page danbutterfield.substact.com for more on E Jean Carroll as weel as compelling content on a host of other tops--including the Mar-a-Lago classifided docs. case.

Hur report supports no charges be leveled against Donald Trump--but the story is bigger than that.


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What is pathetic is that EJC apparently is on Substack and her feed is shark-like swarms of bloodthirsty females out for a kill. We are reminded that they are really still out there... God forbid they should make enough blood in the water to sink a Trump battleship.

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Well done Raheem.

What you, Bannon, Kash Patel, Bensman and more are doing to cut through the talking point, propaganda BS is critical.

All of you are the only outlet for this distilled information and a tool for all of us out here to use in pushing back and waking people to the political tyranny, we all live under.

Thanks for the great work!!

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Distraction by Raseem , are you a journalist Raseem ? Where did you train in journalism?

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hey idiot who taught you how to spell? clearly someone as stupid as you!

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Sounds like a psycho Steve Bannon sheep

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I'm not an idiot - spelling mistakes happen . You are the moron , denying the truth - you sound triggered dear . Please stop being a bully and arsehole .

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Why don't you tell them about Cambridge Analytica rigging Brexit ?

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Obviously this is a set up , any idiot knows that . RASEEM IS NOT INTETESTED IN TRUTH

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