Remarkably Honest Atlantic Mag Bit on Bannon.
I'm surprised the increasingly far-left rag printed this.
Well, at least one Atlantic magazine reader seems to get it. Well, two, if you count me. Yes, as many of you know, I read and watch as much of the liberal media as I can, so you don’t have to. Nosce hostem and all that. Speaking of which I’m currently speeding my way through Jared Kushner’s self-hagiography. I refuse to call it an autobiography. But there’s got to be a better word that self-hagiography too. I submit: onanography.
Anyway, Kushner’s book is surprisingly interesting. And so was this letter in this October’s Atlantic magazine, courtesy of one Mr. Morey of Malta, referring to the predictable yawnucopia about Bannon in June’s issue:
Jennifer Senior’s loathing of Steve Bannon comes through loud and clear. It’s a pity that her analysis of his appeal falls short. Why are Bannon’s ideas so apparently influential that they translate into a surge of Republican and even Trumpian support? The Hillary Clinton answer, that these supporters are all “deplorables”—idiots and puppets being manipulated by a master—doesn’t wash, as it didn’t for Clinton in 2016. A sensible and humble starting position would be that the priorities and policies of the liberal establishment don’t resonate with large swaths of ordinary Americans, who therefore don’t trust politicians who are mouthpieces of that establishment. Rather than rail against the malign influence of Bannon and his ilk, would-be future leaders of America should ask themselves how they lost the hearts and minds of so many of those they expect to put them in power. Is there any Democrat, or moderate Republican, who has the courage to do that?
Chris Morey
Marsaskala, Malta
Maybe they’re starting to figure this whole thing out?
And maybe that’s what the Ursula von der Leyen’s wicked attempt at election interference was really about, this past week?
If enough Chris Moreys (I submit: Mories) emerge, maybe the left starts holding their communal nose (they’d love that) and voting against their instincts in order to punish the authoritarian left in long term favour of the more traditional liberals they still convince themselves they’re really voting for. A new wave of Animal Farm-esque infighting? (I’d love that).
P.S. Make sure you’re subscribed for future updates.
P.P.S. We ended up raising $20,000 for Tunnel to Towers so thanks to everyone who got this Substack at $13,000 and went above and beyond. I put a “reel” of the day on my Instagram.
1. I await your thoughts on Kushners book. I hope if Donald Trump does win (if indeed, he runs) in 2024 that Jarred Kushner is kept away from the White house.
2. Congrats on the Towers To Tunnels run and the money raised.
3. I am always amused at how Steve Bannon lives rent free in the heads of the leftist media.
4. I can understand your not wanting to be co-hosting on Warroom any more. Such formats do take a major part of one's productive work day. I agree with Big MammaTEA about getting your podcast going again Maybe a shorter format. I gotta say there is so much coming at me as the revelations about the Jabs, WEF, Brandon regime, Ukraine/Russia keep getting exposed. I got only so much time in the day and so much my poor thinking meat can absorb before it all blurrs.
Appreciate you Tunnel to Towers run. Fantastic charity.