Damn, I’m glad that others have noticed.

I live in Montgomery Co. Md. (USA), 30 miles out of DC. and I live with an elderly person who leaves the Weather Channel on as default background noise. Over the last 2-3 years these people have gone full climate lunatic. The colors on the maps have gotten much darker and redder, Atlantic hurricanes are now called “cyclones”, and much more. The whole channel has been re-worked to be climate alarmism 24-7.

It’s not just the Weather Channel. Once you start noticing it, the attempted psychological manipulation is everywhere in media.

As many have stated before, many of these people want us broke, starving, and cold. We must pay for our sins against nature. They mean it. Whether it’s the WEF or the globalist left (same thing)....they mean it....

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Did you notice now they are naming rain storms and all weather events have become "violent"?

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And every thunderstorm now has damaging winds and 1-3 inch hail and the possibility of tornadoes! Just the other night I noticed the bright red on the weather forecast, I'm A little slower than you guys. I thought it was the end of the world with the entire map bright red!!! I got down on my knees and prayed. Just a bit later I noticed it only 77 degrees!

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Heat reminds Leftists of Hell…

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Which they claim to not believe in.....

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Yeah, and as I said “much more”. The whole network is focused on ‘climate change’ and fear porn. Every weather event is over-hyped as in ‘cyclone joe will effect on 310 million people’... a bad thunderstorm becomes a ‘deracio’(sp) and gobs of other examples.

I wonder how much money has been illegally funneled from taxpayers to the government, and from there to sympathetic media and ‘non-profit’ orgs in order to push the leftist-WEF agenda?

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Sounds like Frasier Craine doing the weather with his bloviated words.

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Weather Nation is much better, no climate alarmists there.

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What sins? Their sins which they project upon everyone else?

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Well, years ago we were going to freeze to death now I guess we will fry🔥☄️. Red is a color that draws our attention more than yellow. It’s a gimmick like everything else in this attention obsessed world. Climate is the religion of the left. The new fuel of the left media and the corporate elite is the bullshit they spew. Good read, though. 👍

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Nah, communism is the religion, "climate change" is the Trojan horse it rides on.

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Good observation! It has bothered me for quite a while as I go onto the internet to check out the weather for the day. As far as I could see the weather temps are about the same, with slight variences, all my 71 years. It is the middle of Summer and I expect it to be hot some of the days and a lovely warm many other days. The other thing I notice whenever the sun is out they ususally have a high UV warning up. Run Away, Run Away! Maybe Biden running for pResident from his basement showed he was ahead of the times. Ya Right.

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So we've gone from Orange Man Bad to Yellow Sun Bad. Wonder what the Kryptonians have to say about this.

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Damn, that's a way better headline. I'm stealing it. Thank you.

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😁. Steal away. Note my YELLOW smiley face.

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Oh my! I noticed the change, but I never thought about what it meant. Thanks for pointing it out. Deeply disturbing.

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Sun = masculine energy = evil.

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Right on. I've been trying to figure out how to quantify this phenomenon. Good job capturing the color aspect. I suspect that their predictions are biased high too.

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Red is also the color of the USSR and CCP. Coincidence?

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oui! The 'weather map' is now indicating the concentration or amount of area now under communist control!

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Red is the color of the Republican party. So no.

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The flipped back in the late 70s-early 80s. Democrats were Red before that. Coincidence? No...psy-ops.

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Remember when some conservatives we decried as Blue Dog democrats? Yes they changed the party colors to imply that conservative was a danger, like flashing red lights.

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Well, I must be a commie because I like the color red.

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In the '70's-'80's we were facing the next ice age. But not as much money to be made in fighting that, whereas warming has more financial opportunities for pharma.

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I’ve haven’t used my air conditioner in my car yet this summer ... windows down all I need .. I’ve lived in DC since ‘73 and can attest that would have been impossible in the scorching’70s when heat inversions clouded the air with smog and all were warned to stay indoors...air is cleaner, water is cleaner, environment is healthier than ever in my lifetime.. climate change is a hoax

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no, climate change is real. it has been happening every single moment for over 5,000,000,000 years. man made global warming is the big lie.

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Yes Raheem, noticing this in Canada as well. Orange/Red mapping for 68 degrees.... the temperature that many many people have their furnace set to come ON! Total scam climate propaganda.

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I’ve lived long enough now to have survived the over population scare of the sixties (I spit in their face and had 7 kids), the we must recycle or be overrun by garbage of the 70’s (as hipsters were using disposable diapers like lunatics), the first gas crisis of the 80’s ( people would go out at night and siphon other peoples gas tanks leading to locking gas caps) the ozone depletion of the 90’s was going to lead to the new ice age 🙄🙄, the ice caps were going to disappear in the 2000’s along with all the polar bears, the teens gave us global warming (Al Gore turned out to be a fraud) and now we have climate change cuz duh, the climate changes you morons. I don’t pay any attention to the fear mongers. None of their predictions have come true. Funny how we are all vitamin D deprived at the same time we are told to stay out of the sun. I’m waiting for the book debunking the hysteria from the last 50 years of liberal lying. It will be a best seller

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Word Brother!

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Anyone else noticed that every winter snow storm is now a 'bomb cyclone'? This past winter, the local weathermen were getting their panties in a bunch regarding 'impending bomb cyclones', and they turned out to be duds (the storms AND the weathermen).

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Who bothers listening to the weatherman anyway? It's the only profession where you can be wrong over 50% of the time and still keep your job.

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Or working for the liberal media that is wrong over 90% of the time....and they KNOW they are lying.

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No wonder there are so many WEF young leaders...it’s like Santa’s workshop working on and thinking of every conceivable thing.

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Evil Santa's Workshop... working on and thinking of every conceivable evil thing...

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Oh those Brits are so cute panicking about 86*. We are expected to average highs of 39*C (102*F) next week in the middle of the US. and we've been solidly above 90*F for weeks. I'm pretty sure the reason for these temperatures is due to a condition we call "summer".

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