I always go out to dinner with people I don't know after they randomly call me

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Me too. Hey Jim, what time are we meeting for dinner tonight?

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Don't forget your tourniquets!

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But forget your jacket!

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This deposition will be solid gold if a GOP committee gets a shot at cross examining Epps.

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Sure, that’ll happen…

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and then what? -big deal if they do = NOTHING will ever happen to the the guy- just like every other "investigation" they lie plead the 5th or dont recall and = NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING

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Yes and I always answer the cell phone from unknown callers because I really like talking to insurance companies trying to sell me a new extended warranty on my car [sarcasm :- ))

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IKR! And we always answer the cell when it’s an unknown caller who calls dozens of times.

Maybe Epps thought the Publishers Clearinghouse Sweepstakes van was trying to locate him.

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Why doesn't Substack allow me to put the Bane "Of course" meme here?

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And you eat random food with random utensils, too?

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You get paid all the big bucks because you read this stuff and distill it so well for us peasants between the coasts, who aren't smart enough to understand. You know, us disposables, or something like that.

Keep up the great work!

Danny Huckabee

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Hilarious that the 100 page filing is buried in govfiles.gov

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Not disposables-it is Deplorables!.

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Unreal. I can hardly imagine how you kept your sanity wading through all that _literally_ incredible garbage. One might almost think the redoubtable Mr Kinzinger was involved with “orchestrating” the whole “thing” just like Ray Always Prepared Epps.

Great article! Thanks for making it understandable to us crazed Deporables.

vmoc@laurelton.net You don’t know me, but let’s get together for dinner at some restaurant in a strange town sometime when absolutely nothing is going on. 😂

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Your sense of humor while telling Ray Epps tall tale, I mean, interview just killed me. …..all while being fellated by Adam Kissinger!!!!!!Dear Lord please write more, be on tv more and do more videos. It’s the best way to convey this unseen double standard insanity!

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Adam “Kiss”inger

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Thanks for the dig into the mysterious Mr. Epps. I have seen the videos of people calling Epps a Fed. There is no way he did not hear them. There is too many coinkydinks for someone who is just an innocent guy caught up in the events. All the real innocent guys have been languishing in jail waiting to be charged and convicted of the heinous crimes of trespassing or just being in Washington DC that day. Yet, Epps was in Oath keepers for 2 years, was in Portland for the Antifa mostly peaceful demonstrations, the in DC on the 5 of January. If it walks like Fed and quacks like a Fed, the odds are good....

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It appears that _someone_ truly believed in Ray. So they funded him. And they insulated/protected him.

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Excellent work as always Raheem 🙌🏻

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A shame you don't go on Bannon any longer. You were always brilliant.

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and always the voice of reason and detail (where the devil hides)

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Raheem still is brilliant! 💥

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He does go on occasionally.

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I don't know who Mr. Carver is but it wouldn't surprise me if he turned up at the Capitol on Jan 6th removing signs, removing fencing or standing atop a scaffold while urging people to push forward through the police line.

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Couldn't they figure out who Mr. Carver was by his phone number and pinging his phone

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Well they could, but most likely already knew and know him as a federal employee

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that would make too much sense

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With tourniquets leaking from all of his pockets.🤡

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thank you for finding this and putting it where we could read it.

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Thank you Raheem for going through it and your excellent analysis. The "Epps Interview" reads like any cover up: focus on irrelevant points, barely discuss relevant facts and issues, minimize clarification and questions, lead the suspect's answers.

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Kinzinger was and is being paid by the FBI to play the Republican stooge on the J6 committee. His current payment is that he is allowed to be a commentator on CNN. He is the very definition of a quisling.

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Kinzinger's really good at.......crying.

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I totally agree that Epps was in fact the orchestrated acts on that day in D.C. I saw many groups of anti Trumpers throughout the mall. Parading around as Patriots. My eyes saw everything that day.

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It’s good to have u back. I read the whole thing and agree with u that it’s a grade A horseshit. They’re all protecting him so he must be an informant. I just hope the truth comes out sooner than later for the sake of every innocent that are in jail. Really fascinating, good job. Thankbu👍🙏🏻

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I'm no lawyer, but this all reads like the committee "interviewed" Epps just to say they spoke to him.

They never intended to get any truthful information from him. All a set-up, just for optics.

Thank you for doing the heavy lifting for us.

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I agree, they made sure the interview was noticeably long, in both time and pages of transcript, just so they could say "you hounded us about this guy, he's just a regular guy, nothing to see here, and now we grilled him for hours. We won't be interviewing him any further since everything was covered in the initial 100 page long interview."

My question is this, where is he now?

He's just disappeared, and no one knows anything. Maybe he's with the wife of the Vegas shooter, who also just disappeared. Is he still alive, very likely yes.

Will he be able to be found?

Yes, but likely only if all the govt agencies are FOIA'ed, they'll claim they still can't find him. Can we FOIA the IRS? They are certainly not going to stop collecting taxes from him.

FOIA all the seemingly unrelated agencies, such as the DoD, the Ag department, the Post Office, etc. The govt has been know to hide their info in places they think no one will ever look.

He claims he was threatened, we don't know. It'll be interesting to see how this gets handled moving forward.

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Thanks for all your work, Raheem! Epps Utter fucking liar, not well prepped! our government, our courts, the dirty lying dc cops, the scum bag mayor ( who looks like an alien from space!) pence, the pervert and traitor, and many in congress as well as openly agent traitors all put on a show to set up hundreds of innocent people who are suffering beatings, horrible food, filthy conditions, solitary confinement, and absurd charges, and having their lives destroyed for wanting their votes to count! And in case anyone doesn't know this by now, the doors only opened from the INSIDE, so the capitol could not be breached without people on the inside opening the doors to allow people in!!!!!!!!! These innocent victims will soon be free, we will have our rightful president back, and the fake traitorous agencies, this fake administration, and all these other people who set this up, or lied, or harmed these innocent people will pay a huge price for their crimes! And last but not least their will be huge class action law suits by these victims and they will each receive millions and millions of dollars! And it can't come a day too soon!

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This "60 to 0" is laughable at best. On the videos he is loud, confident and authortative. Now, he interviews like a country bumpkin that fell off a turnip truck. I'm not buying it at all.

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