Aug 17Liked by Raheem Kassam

Trump doesn't need a campaign manager! Trump doesn't need anyone to tell him to be soft! Trump doesn't need to pay anyone because he is the marketing genius, not them! We are fighting for freedom from tyranny, not having a republican/democrat election!This is an election between good and evil, life and death, truth and lies, and GOD and globalism! I am very disappointed with the republican party, they are doing little, and this is his daughter-in-law! Has someone gotten to her? Why don't they sign up voters everywhere he is? People adore him! They have lost over and over the most simple opportunities! Get rid of Wiles and the other guy, they are not helping him, they are hurting him. I just wiles was talking to media as to how he lost in 2020! He did not lose in 2020, and if she doesn't know that, she should be out! Shame on her and Lasavita(sp), I could do a much better job than they are! Trump is GOD'S chosen and anointed, they are not worthy of working for him, we are praying them out, as they are betraying him!

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Aug 17Liked by Raheem Kassam

Go tell him Raheem, to dump their asses! He shouldn't be paying them, they should be paying him, to have the opportunity to work for a true Patriot and hero!I don't see anyone on this earth who comes close to what he has suffered for the people of this country and the people of the world! Trump is GOD'S David, that is what GOD calls him. GOD is the power, the endless might and power behind Trump's stone, and GOD has chosen him for very special reasons, and saved his life, protects his family, and will save Trump every time these evil snakes go after him.Trump will not go to prison and all these false cases against will be reversed on those who illegally brought them! Get ready to see the miracles, signs and wonders of El Shadai, who will save this very sick and evil nation!

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Aug 17Liked by Raheem Kassam

Love you Raheem! You are my favorite nephew!

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I wish you and Baris, Fredericks, Dilley Meme team would get on the same page....is the current team right or not? Happy to see Lowendowski back and others. God I miss Steve Bannon!

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Did you listen to the podcast? I don’t say things in exchange for cash.

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I did. I agree with you, but John Fredericks and Dilley seem to say Chris L doing a good job....now Bongino sharing that Kellie Ann has contract with Ukrainian oligarch....I trust DB...disappointing re KC. Thanks for what you do Raheem. have followed you since the early/first days of War Room. I know you and Steve tried to warn everyone with the Integrity Project during Covid. I also trust Baris and Barnes too. thank you

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Just remember… ask people if they take cash.

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you got it!

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Remember when Trump mandated nobody would serve in his admiration if they acted as a foreign lobbyist within five years prior or post?

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Aug 17Liked by Raheem Kassam

Right on Raheem!! I was under the impression that the campaign staff was in total control. You are right we are depending on Trump to win!! He needs to focus on issues and not her personality to educate those independents who will vote! God Bless you Raheem!!

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Aug 16Liked by Raheem Kassam

Love the song

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Kane had a link to this Daily Caller article, that states that despite Lewandowski and company doing the Trump campaign, Susie Wiles, and Chris LaCivita, are still in charge. Opinions?

Also, the Trump campaign needs to hire you, stat. Also, why don't you become a legal citizen?

Finally, VOTE EARLY!!!

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Yeh Chris and Susie spent their morning briefing the Daily Caller about how important they are. Seems like a good use of campaign time!

Also, what is they say about being powerful, again? If you have to tell people you are…

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Aug 17Liked by Raheem Kassam

So true, and bragging is so lame, especially when one's action say otherwise.

I apologize for the redundant, or is it re-dumb-dant (😜) "also"s.

Finally, I hope you are feeling better.

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Sorry, should have read joining the campaign, not doing, freudian slip. perhaps? LOL!

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Aug 17Liked by Raheem Kassam

The last thing people who can only afford to give low dollar amount donations to the Trump campaign is that the president is using that money to pay a consultant who is giving bad advice. This is disheartening to hear.

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Where do I download this song?🔥🔥🔥

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BRILLIANT Weekend playlist sorted 👍

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And Monday morning playlist… and Wednesday humpday playlist… TGIF Playlist….

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Watching the campaign from Australia and hoping and praying for President Trump to win cos the world depends on it too, it doesn’t feel as intense and well oiled and on message as previous campaigns. I worry about too many RINOs and moderates around Trump. I wish he could see through them. Suzy Wiles has worried me since I saw this Substack from Tom Renz in April!!! Must watch


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Aug 17·edited Aug 17

Is Lewandowski still making amorous trips to South Dakota?

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Trump would. Be wise to ditch Karoline Leavitt, Don Jr., Kim Guilfoyle, Lara Trump, Jason Miller, Matt Schlapp , should never have opted for JD Vance. Bringing back Lewandowski is yet another absurd move.

He should be bringing in fare more effective former Democrats and Independents- Tulsi Gabbard, Naomi Wolf, Kunstler, David Mamet, Brandon Straka, Amber Rose- people who are in touch with cultural shifts, language and know the Democrat machinations and have broad spectrum appeal. I’m not seeing, hearing or feeling anything enthusiam worry in this campaign and Trump is either getting horrible advice or ignoring good advice.

Tulsi is the best messenger, appeals to people of every faction but for the usual GOP losers and would have wiped Kamala, Walz and the rot of both parties and the Deep State from the face of the earth.

Maybe that’s the problem. She outshines and would expose them all. The GOP is pathetic and Trump isn’t the guy who took the stage in 2016. Vance has made comments that offend women across the board. I’m in no way hyper-sensitive, but the post-menopausal crap was too much even for me.

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Ok, definitely NOT, lol. Do not agree with this!!

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Tell me why. Bannon and Tucker adored her. In the past week, she’s been labeled ( aside from the usual Democrat, Communist, Heretic, Berniebot, worships false gods., WEF, ) now “ Deep State operative). To the the aforementioned, Democrats, Communist, Berniebot screamers- Walter Block, David Horowitz,Michael Savage, Thomas Sowell were hardcore Marxist radical revolutionaries aligning with the Weather Underground and Black Panthers. Today, they are of the Austrian Economics and Milton Friedman philosophy. Milton Friedman was a Progressive Socialist Keynesian Economic philosophy, Reagan was far left, Prager was way liberal,Anna Luna, Kudlow,Rudy,Brandon Straka,Carol Swain,David Mamet,Robert Barnes,Lou Dobbs,Scott Pressler,David Mamet ,Amber Rose,Joe Rogan,Jon Voight,Jim Justice,Roseanne Barr,Lee Smith,Lara Logan,Jeff Van Drew,Brandon Tate,Larry Elder, + spanned left, liberal and centrist Dem and the Family Trump were left of center.

Tom Cotton, Elise Stefanik, Nikki Haley,Rick Scott,Ivanka Trump- Elon Musk,Trump appointed Chris Wray,General McMaster,Scott Gottlieb,Henry Kerner,Fiona Hill,Robert Kadlec,Seema Verma,Jerome Adams,Pence aide Nick Ayers,then pal Dina Powell,Peter Thiel,Kinzinger,Bourla,Bancel,Zuckerberg,Slavitt,Fauci,Birx, pals Newsome,Cuomo,Hillary,Chelsea,Bloomberg,Stephanopoulis and the lion’s share of his longtime peeps are WEF. His fave Euro leaders-Angela,BoJo,Macron - 70% of the global “ elected leaders” are WEF YGLs, the Dimm Party, Of the group in its entirety, only Tulsi’ , Elon and Vivek have taken it on.in a venue where they’d be heard.

As per the heretic, false gods religious crap- fuck them! My son-in-law is Hindu, the first native born child of Hindu naturalized citizens. I like them more than I do most of my husband’s family and what’s left of my own.

And the “ Deep State operatives” thing? I doubt it, but w/Graham, Mitch, Gowdy,Bolton,Cheney,Ryan,Burr,Barr,Buck,Portman,Corker,Pence,Romney,Cassidy,Sasse,George Conway,Kinzinger,Raffensberger, Jolly, McShitstain, Mike Lee, Scaramucci,Bush,Milley,Esper,Fiona Hill,and the assorted clueless class- I’d rather her than any of them. Ditto the holy rollers . If the left wants to abort themselves from the gene pool, let them. It would be a self fulfilling depopulation agenda prophecy minus the wars, Marxist/Jihadist Red/Green Alliance Death Cult.

Funny, Milei, Bukele, the Heritage Foundation top dog , Orban, Wilders, Farage, LePen, Fica, Braverman, , Gaffney can call it out on the world stage, but Trump and the so-called “ anti-globalist “ Conservatives” can’t even say “ WEF Great Reset/ UN Agenda 2030” New World Order and Trump refuses owning any of his fuck ups.

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Okay, I’ve purged myself of pent up anger. For the record, Raheem, I still have a click stored of your appearance on a British equivalent of CNN with your epic reply to the plagued by Trump hysteria pundit. He was near stroking out re Trump supposedly having referred to certain African countries as “ Shithole nations”. Without so much as a blink, you dispassionately replied,” Under Saddiq Khan,Britain is a “ Shithole Nation” po). Between the comment, delivery and the imbecile’s face, I’d never laughed so hard in my life! The only thing missing was the ba-da-bing percussion.

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I don't know what you ate or smoked but I'll try it once

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Kampala is a radical marxist, u needhelp, fool!

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Cambridge Analtyica traitors

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I just started following your show on my podcast app. I’ll start listening and catch up on the last couple of episodes

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I hope journalists realize that this is not the time to have pay walls. All voters need information. Thank you Mr. Raheem.

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You are right, I believe. One thing about President Trump. He isn’t the best judge of character. He still allows Lindsey Graham around him. At least we know where the so-called Democrats stand. I still think a lot of people around him are backstabbers.

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