The Wall Street Journal today opined that Trump "needs to attract Nikki Haley’s voters." Here's my reply on their comment page.

Pure gaslighting. Trump needs Haley voters like he needs another Jack Smith or an Alvin Bragg. Or a Tish or a Fani.

The primary votes Haley got came from a short list of categories: Democrats messing with Republicans, ordinary conservatives readily susceptible to propagandizing, Never-Trumper’s, confused independents, marginally sane suburban moms offended by locker talk and mean tweets, and near-extinct country clubbers lamenting the loss of “their” party. And, of course, from the uniformed. Of these, the Democrats will come home to the party (unless they’re Jewish), confused independents will see the Republic-saving light, the moms will opt to protect their children and their grocery budgets, the clubbers will likely pout at home on Election Day (unless their eyes are on their retirement nest eggs), and the Snidely Whiplashes of the Lincoln Project will gnash their teeth and throw money at the Marxists. Meanwhile, the uniformed voters will still be up for grabs. The Trump victory will arise simply from the awakening of the American populace and the re-invention of how we count votes to avoid another Big Cheat. It will not come from the ranks of Haley supporters.

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I like the jukebox jive at the end of the audio: "Just Raheem And His Oopinions" that's a keeper.

Ahhh poor ever hopeful and increasingly desperate Nikki and her anybody but Trump RINO frens. how about this? NO SALE!

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Hahaha thanks, was playing around with Suno, the AI music generator. Pretty cool. Until it becomes self-aware.

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Thanks for the real data. Nikki who? She’s irrelevant at this point.

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I’ll pose as one of your “lowest common denominator” people, Raheem

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Don’t let RINO Haley get her nose under the tent. President Trump has had enough saboteurs around him.

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I only hope Trump does not choose Nikki as VP.

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Trump's already said no, nyet, nada, uh uh, nope, not happening. Belive him already.

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Tell Nikki the country has moved on.

Didn't she hear.

Kristi Noem shot a puppy.

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Haha, the latest attempt to distract people’s attention from Trump

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Ha, a John Wick villain indeed.

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OMG, not another Hillary. She is just another one that was kicked to the curb and can't get over herself.

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Nikki is and was a loser! Trump said he did all the negotiation and she wasn't trustworthy or competent, but arrogant. Trump said she got the job as a favor to someone who asked him. She would be a bad as who is the current resident. I pledge to subscribe to this podcast later this year.

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I love when he shreds someone. He does it so eloquently, and so thoroughly. But I think the all-time classic may be his latest comment about Bill Barr’s endorsement


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Thanks for the written word. I can read faster than you can talk:)

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I can only hope Trump does not let any RINOs near him…like session types…and that N Dakota looks like a Romney twin…The best would be Gabbard IMHO….she is more aligned with Trump than ever….remember that Trump was forever a NYC Dem who got disgusted with the Dem Party when he saw what that Party want to ruin the USA…Gabbard has that same view. The Make America Great Again must spread across Party lines…Gabbard would help that…there are too many stealth RINOs in the GOP to think Trump can have his back protected. Remember the RINO voted for Biden last time…and they are still attached to that demented fool. The only reason a RINO would vote for Trump is to backstab him in the future…like Romney, Ryan, Sessions….and many Trump trusted like his prior VP.

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No, not Gabbard! never can't trust her!

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I trust her more than RINOs who are just too close to Trump. I think she is a true MAGA …but just like NYC Hawaii is far too liberal even for this former military person. We need to allow MAGA to embrace across the political spectrum.

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Thank you for this dive into these weeds. By the way, it's pronounced Elk-Heart. That music! 😂

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This woman is beyond belief

She stalked me via snail mail, email etc. even though I NEVER contacted her in any way

I repeatedly asked her to stop

Then her daughter began

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