This is the real pandemic.

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Nothing surprises me anymore, they’re disgraceful. Good article 👍

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The world has gone mad.

In the U.S., Roe v Wade took away a "woman's right to choose", yet a WOMAN sitting on the Supreme Court, Ketanji Brown Jackson, COULD NOT DEFINE what a woman was at her confirmation hearings!

Today I read "A Harvard-affiliated children’s hospital is making a wild claim that kids can know they are transgender before even coming out of the womb."


So I guess an unborn child is NOT just a clump of cells anymore!

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Ha! It appears the Crazy Left's governing premises are now starting to run into and knock each other over....

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These clowns are even more cringe than RINOs.

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Pedophile FILTH, hypocrites and liars. These are sick MONSTERS.

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Crazy, dangerous people trying to force their way on the rest of us...

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Satan working overtime and they think this freedom along with killing babies Sodom and Gomorrah x100 wake up AMERICA 🇺🇸 and the world

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This course of debauchery comes as no surprise. In fact it was inevitable. The truly sad bit is the prevailing notion that all would be well if we could just go back to the old norm of sodomites and carpet munchers and 'don't ask - don't tell'. There are no conservatives left! And unless we're going all the way back to men being men and women being ladies, there simply isn't anything to go back to. Every perversion will be justified by the twisted reasoning that 'I was born that way' and 'I deserve to be accepted too'. But nobody was born that way. And civilization is crumbling at the alter of woke-ism and blind entitlement. Preferring one's own culture and race isn't racism, and demanding that marriage and family can only thrive where men and women cherish and defend the roles ordained by God and nature isn't selfishness, it's self preservation. Sometimes we have to sacrifice our own desires and even endure the unendurable for the sake of humanity. But in the warped minds of politicians and power brokers, giving in to base desires and pandering at the sump pump of modernist degeneracy is all in a days work. These people aren't leaders or even public servants. They are the lowest rung of the human experience and absolutely undeserving of our attention. They are an infestation whose eradication has fallen upon our generation. And it is a matter of survival, the seriousness of which can not be understated. Unfortunate as it may be, in the vivid reality of 2022 if you aren't standing on the far right, you are waist deep in the swill of global communism. And Washington wreaks of it's stench. The call to 'wake up' is well behind us. It is now time to STAND UP or forever live on your knees! The self-proclaimed elites are to be pitied and despised. They are not to be feared. But make no mistake, they won't stop; and they will destroy everything in life that was ever worth protecting. So when you reach down inside yourself for the strength to oppose them, reach all the way down because this fight is for all the marbles.

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Excellent message. We must indeed be far right at this point to distance ourselves from the depravity running ruff-shod over decency.

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That’s the God’s honest truth all of it.

I’ve been a Conservative since I was a teenager but the term has now been reduced to nothing remotely like those values I championed then.

I will move as far right as I have to to defend my position and I don’t give a crap what anyone calls me.

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What i found most stunning was the willingness, no desire, for so many to ignore simple but truthful biology as the definition of male/female. That the woke cancel those who followed natural biology still shocks me. Their's is a pure social construct that has no foundation in science or biology or physical anthropology, or useful function. It is a clear aberration. IF God rightly decides that another correction is needed like he did in Sodom and Gomorrah, I PROMISE to not look back as Lot's wife, Edith, mistakenly did. Señor, estamos listos, favor de Hacerlo.

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So very true. It’s just evil. Political groups going along with transgender and drag queens/queer + group is disgusting. It’s hard not to judge, but the satanic messaging must be stopped. We must pray for guidance and blessings.

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Because the mentally unstable always pose an insane narrative to explain themselves. The lunatics are running the asylum.

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Yes, we have way too many nurse Ratcheds.

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Yes, true. But I believe to win all the marbles we have to lose attachment to caring about winning the marbles. This fight is to understand ourselves and have a place and time to grow, change, reinvent. But yes these people who live to get it all now by enslaving us have giant black holes they are trying to fill. Needless to say, these cannot be filled.

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Evil always begins veiled as harmless and benign, but drag queens and the assortment of sexual innuendos have been a fanciful display every year as family-time Christmas Pantos.

See it as children. Accept it as adults.

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School Districts and teachers' unions pushing this aberrant behavior so widely now is stunning.

The AMA pushing tranny surgery and now trying to convince the DOJ to go after anyone and punish those who try to prevent this for spreading disinformation is also stunning. The world has been turned upside down. The West is in freefall.

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Pandemic of the pathetic people. What's with them and their obsession with drag queens? Drag queens are neurotic men who are completely self-absorbed narcissists with HUGE egos. Is this supposed to be risqué territory? The woke are a complete fucking joke.

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Perfect description of drag queens 👏👏

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These people are quite sick mentally. The psychology of all this isn’t pretty.

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Great analysis. When will conservatives stop allowing this travesty of family values.

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Love it! Very telling about these lib "klepto's". The "cool" Davos kids sure got weird.

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It's not a problem with bringing in the circus freak show for entertainment.

The problem is not treating it as a freak show.

It's a bearded lady.

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I am literally gob-smacked Raheem. An interesting but depressing read......

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Delivered with a proper measure of wit and snark. Well done, Raheem.

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So sad & disgusting that many/most of our politicians & DOJs are evil & corrupt WORLDWIDE, because of the NWO Cabal run by the very Marxist Evil & Greedy UN, WEF & WHO.

(I heard China runs the WHO???)

The NWO Communist Cabal is & has been running & planning their takeover for decades & Schwab has been placing Corrupt NWO Marxist Anti-Christian “Leaders” in HIGH places in countries all over the world.

Other countries are emptying their prisoners on our borders worldwide.

Soros, Obama, Gates, Fauci, etc... Most of the worlds leaders are either part of the satanic paedophile cabal or they choose to allow children to be tortured, abused, scarred for life or worse to keep their BIG PAYCHECKS?

Christians need to be ready to unite & why it’s SO important to be connected to your local church & then unite with other churches in your area to prepare for whatever the future brings before the Rapture.

If the Marxist Socialist Communist Cabal gets their way they will “ban, silence & destroy” every REAL Christian who preaches/teaches or talks about God’s Word entirely.

Wherever you are worldwide you need to unite locally with all the Christians you can find.

This is a Spiritual war & we need to be ready Spiritually & practically to do God’s will in our lives & protect our families & each other.

God bless you.


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God bless you too for a remarkable well written message for us to remember

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Truss is literally pulling a "soy face". We are doomed.

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