Ron DeSantis ruined his career by being a backstabber. Plus it forced me, and hopefully many others to do their research on this actual RINO.

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Jan 22·edited Jan 22

If you had done “actual” research on DeSantis, you’d know he isn’t remotely close to the establishment. You have ZERO evidence to support that ridiculous claim. Trump is FAR closer to the establishment, genius. Is it anti-establishment to appoint Wray and Barr? Or pick Pence? How about endorsing McCarthy, Ronna McDaniel, and squished like Dr. Oz? How about signing all of Paul Ryan’s spending bills? Or introduce bump stock regulations? Maybe it was making promises he never intended to keep like Lock Her Up and Mexico Will Pay for Wall? Was it anti-establishment to surrender his presidency to a sociopath like Fauci? Or give us 15 Days and 30 Days? Had to be giving us Warp Speed and giving Pfizer a blank check to poison us - then doubling down on taking credit for it? Gotta be signing the Cares Act which gave us mail-in ballots and funded the Steal? How about handing Fauci an award on his last day in office? Now compare that with the real maga candidate, who turned a 300k voter Repub voter deficit into a 500k voter surplus, eliminating Dems from elected positions, firing Soros hacks, and having his own personal red wave winning by 19% in a state that is usually decided by 1-4%. Sit down.

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Well, if you were a National Pulse reader you’d know what you just wrote was utter tosh. DeSantis’s in house pollster is run by a former Soros operative and owned by Paul Ryan’s brother’s firm, in partnership with Karl Rove. But of course you didn’t know that. Because you’re just an emotional wreck after yesterday. And that’s just one tiny example.

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100% correct and the best reply!

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OK, hatchet man. That’s hog wash, but let’s pretend it’s true...how has that affected how he governed? How do explain the continual wins against the communists or is that too much for you? Now compare that with your idol’s grabbing his ankles for the communists? All red meat talk for his idolators. It didn’t go unnoticed you couldn’t refute one thing I said about his presidency. He failed two big tests: the riots and Covid. The communist imprison us when we assemble; he did nothing while cities burned to the ground. And then had an election taken from but under his find nose. Then ignores the very people who assembled FOR HIM as they rot in jail or worse. Frauds.

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What wins LMFAO he's lost almost every public policy fight in Florida over the last few years. Are you just copy-pasting talking points from the DEFUNCT campaign?

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Jan 22Liked by Raheem Kassam

Ask the elder population of Florida how their Medicare works for them. Takes upwards of 6-9 months to get in to any specialist because the large majority of health care providers don’t take Medicare!

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You have no basis to make that statement. You’re either regurgitating a Trump talking point or using an anecdotal example. Wait times are up everywhere since they first started tracking in 2004 as Merritt Hawkins has.

There are several reasons why such as doctor and staffing shortages.

117k doctors left the field during pandemic while only 40k joined. I’ve scoured several studies and found nothing to support your claim. Even the worst wait times in the worst cities like Portland, OR don’t approach what you said.

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Jan 22Liked by Raheem Kassam

Get yourself a Ron DeSantis pillowcase and hit the bed. Remember to take your tranquilizers before you do. You're very high strung.

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You are full of it! DeSantis is a trader working with the Democrats! I still have friends in Congress, where I once worked for six years. DeSantis isn't helping Trump for the millions of voters he's helping the establishment of the government! That's a fact!!

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🤡 Ya, a founding member of the Freedom Caucus who beats down the communists in his state is an establishment guy. You’re right.🙄🤦‍♂️

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DeSantis was screaming about “woke-ism.” And drag queens. His campaign team thought it was all a hoot-and-a-half. But Republicans in Iowa and New Hampshire just thought it was odd. DeSantis’ trolling tactics worked in Florida, where he was able to hide from mainstream media and exist primarily in a bubble full of sycophantic legislators and cheerleaders with websites. But most Americans want to see their presidential candidates put on their big-kid pants every now and again and have serious discussions about serious issues.

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He's an idiot! He's not a great Republican!

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Evidence? I can list if establishment moves by Trump.

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You’re an idiot.

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Yet, you can’t say why. Who’s the idiot now.

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Jan 21Liked by Raheem Kassam

Bye bye Meatball. It makes me grin just a little that Christina Pushaw no longer has a job. 😁

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Jan 22Liked by Raheem Kassam

Great to hear from you Reheem! We CAN handle the truth! Keep barbs and arrows coming!

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Jan 21Liked by Raheem Kassam

Yes Raheem, nobody likes a liar and a backstabber! DeSantimonious is both! His career is over and I believe he knows it. I could hear his teeth clenching when he said “we need to get behind Donald Trump”. He got a big head and lost his way for sure!

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Ok, simp.

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Jan 22Liked by Raheem Kassam

Another great analysis from Raheem. Your, "I Did it My Way", was the Coup de Grace. 🤣😂😂

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Jan 22Liked by Raheem Kassam

Nice podcast. Yep, poorly run by lightweight Ron, who associated with anti-Trumpers (Paul Ryan 🤮) and had a rude staff. Glad he dropped out. Now it’s NeverNikki time to soon take a bow, supported by anti-Trumpers, the establishment, and Dems.

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Who signed all of Paul Ryan’s spending bills, genius? 🤦‍♂️🙄🤡

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Your mum.

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So mature. Classic Trump simp reply. On brand.

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You've been simping in the comment for 24 hours now trying to insult people with all your comments falling flat and now you're offended lmfao typical DeSimp.

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Jan 22Liked by Raheem Kassam

DeSantis obviously does not have the grace of Ramaswamy.

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Ramaswamy is just as bad as DeSantis!

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Jan 22Liked by Raheem Kassam

Hi Raheem,

Happy New Year. I was gifted a National Pulse sub for the holidays and have been enjoying it. However, I have yet to download Discord, I'm old...LOL!

As for DeSantis, loyalty is everything and arrogance is crap. But, I guess better late than never? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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that’s awesome, welcome to the party!!!

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Jan 22Liked by Raheem Kassam

Excellent Raheem! Love your take on this. You have a great gift. Your way with words

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Jan 22Liked by Raheem Kassam

Raheem you are truly brilliant and your political observations are always spot on, In January 2020 I discovered you on Steve Bannons Warroom and have followed you ever since.

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Ok, simp boy.

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Jan 22Liked by Raheem Kassam

LOL No offense to Paul Anka or Frank Sinatra, but that's the best rendition of My Way I've ever heard. LOL

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Jan 22Liked by Raheem Kassam

Raheem-please post video of the, "I Did it My Way" maestro!!

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Oh Raheem...DeSantis is just “disconnected “ and “clueless.” He doesn’t have the stealth persona needed nor the depth of “off the cuff” knowledge necessary to lead an entire nation. He can’t relate to the workers like Trump can. DeSantis will always be “owned.” He’s a lightweight.

Yes...the Kim Reynolds’s issue is perplexing 🤔.

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Dumbfuck. If you had done “actual” research on DeSantis, you’d know he isn’t remotely close to the establishment. You have ZERO evidence to support that ridiculous claim. Trump is FAR closer to the establishment, genius. Is it anti-establishment to appoint Wray and Barr? Or pick Pence? How about endorsing McCarthy, Ronna McDaniel, and squished like Dr. Oz? How about signing all of Paul Ryan’s spending bills? Or introduce bump stock regulations? Maybe it was making promises he never intended to keep like Lock Her Up and Mexico Will Pay for Wall? Was it anti-establishment to surrender his presidency to a sociopath like Fauci? Or give us 15 Days and 30 Days? Had to be giving us Warp Speed and giving Pfizer a blank check to poison us - then doubling down on taking credit for it? How about handing Fauci an award on his last day in office? Now compare that with the real maga candidate, who turned a 300k voter Repub voter deficit into a 500k voter surplus, eliminating Dems from elected positions, firing Soros hacks, and having his own personal red wave winning by 19% in a state that is usually decided by 1-4%. Sit down.

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Jan 22Liked by Raheem Kassam

I'm just here for the Riccardi troll comments. Curious, Raheem - would he be a paying troll? Oh, wait... This was a free to all post.

Anyway, speaking of ""c" words, I know your favorite, thought " catty" was another good one and if you could find a place in your heart and make an exception "MEATBALL" makes a fine "c" word. 😉

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That's the way to unite the party... not

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