Wondering why this DiMartino creep is even getting any air time. Based on your findings, anyone could do a historical search of posts and find his flip-flopping rhetoric.
I learned something today that actually most of us suspected but now turns out to be true. From VDH. Big Tech, Google, use algorithms to affect internet searches including those regarding conservative sites, etc. When one does a search on Google, it prioritizes with a strong bias to the left. Of course, I have used search engines and email mostly from the far north and Switzerland to get around the lefties in Big Tech. Big Brother is everywhere it seems but not on my laptop.
The growing number of attacks on Trump, Bannon, Tucker etc., etc. aren't actually aimed at Trump, Bannon, Tucker, etc., etc. They are aimed at weak willed MAGA voters in the hope they'll say 'we need to move on from MAGA if we want any peace.' Judging from the growing number of folks expressing exactly that sentiment in the Comments section of Fox News' "Headline News" it's working. Looks like the crazy left will get what they want --- a candidate other than Trump in 2024 who, predictably, will lose.
Unfortunately, it is true that most get their news (and therefore the propaganda) from Big Tech and MSM. It is appalling the number of people (fools) that use Fakebook for their news source. Hopefully, the Elon rocket is big enough to take them all to the Mars colony. ;-)
My husband and I always think the Shlapps are too slick. Only thing they are 100% for is their wallets. Conservative Inc makes me cringe. Fox News is dead to me because of it. I miss your podcast but will take warroom while I wait
Raheem, it's getting more and more difficult to distinguish who really are patriots. Your research is invaluable and I can't imagine the hours you read. Thank you Jane
The only place those DC libertarians (another term for claimed liberty lovers who are Democratic enough to still get invited to parties & defend vaccine passports) are “key” is outside the libertarian movement itself, which has become more and more right, if anything, since 2012. These types are quickly becoming marginalized everywhere but their Swampy residences.
I honestly don’t care who or what you support in this country anymore. So long as it isn’t the Uniparty. I’ll work with anyone against the Uniparty to do something right.
I pay little attention to the pop-up pundits and their organizations. People like Di Martino and Grace Bydalek (sounds like something from Dr. Who) don't even register with me, and their funding by the remaining Koch brother, or Pence/Ryan backed groups are confirmation to dismiss anything they say.
Through this whole midterm "red wave" election that wasn't particularly red or wavy, the main take away I got was that the adversaries doing the most damage to the conservative populist movement are establishment republican. They are the reason why these elections are stolen without redress. They chose the candidates to place campaign contributions behind while asking us all to contribute to the party to get our candidates elected, then withholding most of that money and even using it to back opposition to that candidate.
I do not give any money to the Republican Party. I send any contributions I can afford directly to the individual candidate. I also recognize that while President deserves his stolen second term and to win in 2024, he is not young, and he has been damaged by all that has been done to him he may not be able to run and another may become the candidate. But if it is Pence or any number of other Rino swamp things, I will not vote. Frankly, I think we are at the point where all these compromised 3 letter agencies, media, tech companies, and corrupt politicians need to be destroyed. Apparently, Americans have not experienced enough pain yet.
Agreed. I want Republicans to fight Lefties, not other Republicans. America First was always a viable choice, but so many mainstream R’s still want international wars and actively hate normal Americans. No wonder they hate Trump.
I simply can’t bring myself to vote for Never Trumpers. I also can’t bring myself to vote for candidates who try to out Trump, Trump. We can’t go back to pre 2016 candidates and ideas. That era is over. Good riddance.
I want real freedom and the never trumpers just can’t offer me that.
It could be the case that we need to limit terms of political representatives in DC. As it is now too many use politics as a life-long vocation when, in fact, it was not meant to be that. Also, those lefties and rinos count on being there long term and thus are ok with ignoring us. Term limits should better assure the reps will represent us. Then, when we call or write, they will tend to listen more. E.g., Mark Kelly starts off every response letter with how he served as a fighter pilot and then astronaut. As if those two tasks were not elitist in and of themselves. He's been at the public trough most of his adult life. All of DC has that illness.
I’ve also become a big fan of age limits in recent years. Yes, there’s some value in experience. However, with life expectancy going up and aging causing serious cognitive and physical issues, I’m willing to consider age limits. Especially since a lot of Silents/boomers won’t volunteer to retire and my generation is aging out of being in its prime. A lot of them are just culturally stuck in the 1960’s or 1980’s depending on the issue. Also, Seats shouldn’t belong to one party or one family just cuz that’s the way it always has been.
The idea of a rematch between Trump and Biden in 2024 just makes me cringe.
However, term limits and age limits are two different things.
I remain not convinced that endless terms, as in Biden, Schumer, McConnell, Cornyn, etc., et al, work counter to a vibrant politic. Too often, these lifers tend to NOT listen to their voters except possibly just around election time. Term limits would be better than life-long terms and also closer to what the Founders thought best. Age limits may be a good idea but less important than term limits. It's not just that experience has some value, in fact, it has great and oft times critical value. Consider, e.g., the age of VDH, Thomas Soule, many, many others. IF a geezer presents as the current WH occupant, then yes, indeed, such a person does more harm than good and should be held back from running. There is far too much at stake to allow a cognitively challenged person to be presented as the Exec. There is little hope as things are now.
Were the media not 99% against Trump, I would relish a match between T and Brandon wherein his criminal, under the table money taking would be exposed. But, the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party is boringly tiresome with their unending lies about T. The media and leftists clearly are afraid of him for some reason. Their attacks started before he took the oath of office. That in and of itself is reason to put him back in office.
True. It’s just that they seem to go together because the old people tend to have been there the longest. And the people who tend to be there the longest needed to be term limited a long time ago.
I don’t have a problem with people having experience, but I’d much rather prefer the Jefferson idea that people served for awhile and then they left. I agree with term limits as well.
Jefferson's idea was exactly that: a year or two or four, then leave. That is what term limit is all about. Jefferson thought they would remain in touch with the People that way. Now, as we see clearly every day, the lifers are completely out of touch with the people they purportedly represent. Even if we just consider their benefits that last they whole lifes. All at the expense of we the People. Not to beat a dead horse, but a couple more swats it will not feel anyway, a very large percentage of our "representatives - including senators, of course, are lawyers. That should not be. It should be a cross section of the public, merchants, farmers, athletes, doctors, factory workers, teachers, on and on. A cross section rather than legalese experts.
Your perspicacious last sentence resonates completely with those of comic Dennis Miller, namely, they until the pain becomes so unbearable will the slow-witted masses change their leftist bent. I concur completely except, by that time, i believe, it will be too late to make a correction. Consider another 5 million lawbreakers swamping our southern border, double that if the left wins in 2024. That approximate total will be ~10 million. If Brandon distributes them optimally for the Dems (anyone looked the data groupings of his middle of night flights?), a few million votes will put the socialist Party in the winner's circle for a generation or two to come (until the third-generation votes R as so many of previous grandchildren of immigrants have done historically).
It may already be too late for correction. Nothing is being done about the border so far. .. except the democrats have introduced Amnesty to be passed before the changing of the House to republican control. And, now, with Warnock "winning" the senate seat against Herschel Walker, the can pass it as well: Point Set Game. But, we are mostly avoiding the real issue = the take down of the country. So, population replacement, vax injury and death, declining births, excess cancers, poking the Russian nuclear bear, destroying the dollar as the world trade currency while we print money backed by nothing at all, inflation, supply chain, climate change bs, selling down the strategic oil reserve, and shutting down oil leases and pipelines, and on and on all part of the plan!! What's not to love? (sarcasm)
Someday history will recognize President Trump for all the good things he did for this Nation.
That he donated all his presidential paychecks to charity speaks to his heart and soul. He did that while the corrupted coordinated illegal payments under the table for their own benefit. Weird how this charity of his is so little recognized or appreciated by the opposition thugs.
Guess we shouldn't be surprised by the rise of fake conservatives. Appalled, but not surprised. After all, leftist pols are increasing fake Christians, e.g., in the white house, speaker of the house, and that sinister minister just elected in GA.
Raheem, you knocked it out of the park with this one. Meticulously researched and well-written. Excellent all around!
For sure.
I really like R's descriptive, " ...viciously left-wing...", plus multiple like-others.
They are what they are, vicious, self-serving, liars, and propagandists of the left. ;-)
Wondering why this DiMartino creep is even getting any air time. Based on your findings, anyone could do a historical search of posts and find his flip-flopping rhetoric.
Possibly cuz he fits that rag's agenda, nothing more and nothing less.
Probably, it's getting more and more difficult to distinguish who really are patriots.
I learned something today that actually most of us suspected but now turns out to be true. From VDH. Big Tech, Google, use algorithms to affect internet searches including those regarding conservative sites, etc. When one does a search on Google, it prioritizes with a strong bias to the left. Of course, I have used search engines and email mostly from the far north and Switzerland to get around the lefties in Big Tech. Big Brother is everywhere it seems but not on my laptop.
Because he’s a useful idiot to them.
The growing number of attacks on Trump, Bannon, Tucker etc., etc. aren't actually aimed at Trump, Bannon, Tucker, etc., etc. They are aimed at weak willed MAGA voters in the hope they'll say 'we need to move on from MAGA if we want any peace.' Judging from the growing number of folks expressing exactly that sentiment in the Comments section of Fox News' "Headline News" it's working. Looks like the crazy left will get what they want --- a candidate other than Trump in 2024 who, predictably, will lose.
Unfortunately, it is true that most get their news (and therefore the propaganda) from Big Tech and MSM. It is appalling the number of people (fools) that use Fakebook for their news source. Hopefully, the Elon rocket is big enough to take them all to the Mars colony. ;-)
Gavin Wax and the NYYRC are legit. We need to purge the party of corporate catamites.
My husband and I always think the Shlapps are too slick. Only thing they are 100% for is their wallets. Conservative Inc makes me cringe. Fox News is dead to me because of it. I miss your podcast but will take warroom while I wait
Raheem, it's getting more and more difficult to distinguish who really are patriots. Your research is invaluable and I can't imagine the hours you read. Thank you Jane
Aw thank you! This is why I do it!
I bet his eyes hurt from reading all that toxic stuff.
Love your articles, and analysis... thank you for your research efforts to help us discern the fake conservative out there... You're the Best!
The only place those DC libertarians (another term for claimed liberty lovers who are Democratic enough to still get invited to parties & defend vaccine passports) are “key” is outside the libertarian movement itself, which has become more and more right, if anything, since 2012. These types are quickly becoming marginalized everywhere but their Swampy residences.
I honestly don’t care who or what you support in this country anymore. So long as it isn’t the Uniparty. I’ll work with anyone against the Uniparty to do something right.
Anyone who thinks C. B. Ford credible is brainless.
She was disgusting, I didn’t believe her poor acting debut in:
“America In Decline” for one second!
Raheem, your uncanny ability to locate and lift the rocks that so many of these slimeballs live under, never ceases to amaze me.
Thank you!
Thanks for the deep dive on this schill running below everyone's radar!
Thank you for the info on the posers!
Well done. Bravo Zulu
I pay little attention to the pop-up pundits and their organizations. People like Di Martino and Grace Bydalek (sounds like something from Dr. Who) don't even register with me, and their funding by the remaining Koch brother, or Pence/Ryan backed groups are confirmation to dismiss anything they say.
Through this whole midterm "red wave" election that wasn't particularly red or wavy, the main take away I got was that the adversaries doing the most damage to the conservative populist movement are establishment republican. They are the reason why these elections are stolen without redress. They chose the candidates to place campaign contributions behind while asking us all to contribute to the party to get our candidates elected, then withholding most of that money and even using it to back opposition to that candidate.
I do not give any money to the Republican Party. I send any contributions I can afford directly to the individual candidate. I also recognize that while President deserves his stolen second term and to win in 2024, he is not young, and he has been damaged by all that has been done to him he may not be able to run and another may become the candidate. But if it is Pence or any number of other Rino swamp things, I will not vote. Frankly, I think we are at the point where all these compromised 3 letter agencies, media, tech companies, and corrupt politicians need to be destroyed. Apparently, Americans have not experienced enough pain yet.
Agreed. I want Republicans to fight Lefties, not other Republicans. America First was always a viable choice, but so many mainstream R’s still want international wars and actively hate normal Americans. No wonder they hate Trump.
I simply can’t bring myself to vote for Never Trumpers. I also can’t bring myself to vote for candidates who try to out Trump, Trump. We can’t go back to pre 2016 candidates and ideas. That era is over. Good riddance.
I want real freedom and the never trumpers just can’t offer me that.
It could be the case that we need to limit terms of political representatives in DC. As it is now too many use politics as a life-long vocation when, in fact, it was not meant to be that. Also, those lefties and rinos count on being there long term and thus are ok with ignoring us. Term limits should better assure the reps will represent us. Then, when we call or write, they will tend to listen more. E.g., Mark Kelly starts off every response letter with how he served as a fighter pilot and then astronaut. As if those two tasks were not elitist in and of themselves. He's been at the public trough most of his adult life. All of DC has that illness.
I’ve also become a big fan of age limits in recent years. Yes, there’s some value in experience. However, with life expectancy going up and aging causing serious cognitive and physical issues, I’m willing to consider age limits. Especially since a lot of Silents/boomers won’t volunteer to retire and my generation is aging out of being in its prime. A lot of them are just culturally stuck in the 1960’s or 1980’s depending on the issue. Also, Seats shouldn’t belong to one party or one family just cuz that’s the way it always has been.
The idea of a rematch between Trump and Biden in 2024 just makes me cringe.
However, term limits and age limits are two different things.
I remain not convinced that endless terms, as in Biden, Schumer, McConnell, Cornyn, etc., et al, work counter to a vibrant politic. Too often, these lifers tend to NOT listen to their voters except possibly just around election time. Term limits would be better than life-long terms and also closer to what the Founders thought best. Age limits may be a good idea but less important than term limits. It's not just that experience has some value, in fact, it has great and oft times critical value. Consider, e.g., the age of VDH, Thomas Soule, many, many others. IF a geezer presents as the current WH occupant, then yes, indeed, such a person does more harm than good and should be held back from running. There is far too much at stake to allow a cognitively challenged person to be presented as the Exec. There is little hope as things are now.
Were the media not 99% against Trump, I would relish a match between T and Brandon wherein his criminal, under the table money taking would be exposed. But, the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party is boringly tiresome with their unending lies about T. The media and leftists clearly are afraid of him for some reason. Their attacks started before he took the oath of office. That in and of itself is reason to put him back in office.
True. It’s just that they seem to go together because the old people tend to have been there the longest. And the people who tend to be there the longest needed to be term limited a long time ago.
I don’t have a problem with people having experience, but I’d much rather prefer the Jefferson idea that people served for awhile and then they left. I agree with term limits as well.
Good point, sir.
Jefferson's idea was exactly that: a year or two or four, then leave. That is what term limit is all about. Jefferson thought they would remain in touch with the People that way. Now, as we see clearly every day, the lifers are completely out of touch with the people they purportedly represent. Even if we just consider their benefits that last they whole lifes. All at the expense of we the People. Not to beat a dead horse, but a couple more swats it will not feel anyway, a very large percentage of our "representatives - including senators, of course, are lawyers. That should not be. It should be a cross section of the public, merchants, farmers, athletes, doctors, factory workers, teachers, on and on. A cross section rather than legalese experts.
Wise words, sir.
That is the only way we donate anymore also.
Your perspicacious last sentence resonates completely with those of comic Dennis Miller, namely, they until the pain becomes so unbearable will the slow-witted masses change their leftist bent. I concur completely except, by that time, i believe, it will be too late to make a correction. Consider another 5 million lawbreakers swamping our southern border, double that if the left wins in 2024. That approximate total will be ~10 million. If Brandon distributes them optimally for the Dems (anyone looked the data groupings of his middle of night flights?), a few million votes will put the socialist Party in the winner's circle for a generation or two to come (until the third-generation votes R as so many of previous grandchildren of immigrants have done historically).
It may already be too late for correction. Nothing is being done about the border so far. .. except the democrats have introduced Amnesty to be passed before the changing of the House to republican control. And, now, with Warnock "winning" the senate seat against Herschel Walker, the can pass it as well: Point Set Game. But, we are mostly avoiding the real issue = the take down of the country. So, population replacement, vax injury and death, declining births, excess cancers, poking the Russian nuclear bear, destroying the dollar as the world trade currency while we print money backed by nothing at all, inflation, supply chain, climate change bs, selling down the strategic oil reserve, and shutting down oil leases and pipelines, and on and on all part of the plan!! What's not to love? (sarcasm)
They remind me a bit of Dr. No.
Someday history will recognize President Trump for all the good things he did for this Nation.
That he donated all his presidential paychecks to charity speaks to his heart and soul. He did that while the corrupted coordinated illegal payments under the table for their own benefit. Weird how this charity of his is so little recognized or appreciated by the opposition thugs.
Can we send him home please? We already have enough whiners.
Guess we shouldn't be surprised by the rise of fake conservatives. Appalled, but not surprised. After all, leftist pols are increasing fake Christians, e.g., in the white house, speaker of the house, and that sinister minister just elected in GA.