All these things are simply more proof of the tyrannical dictatorship that is "in charge" of the USA at the moment, under the guise of the Biden Criminal Regime, which is an appendage of the global deep state.

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The government of the United States has been hi-jacked by Communists.

“They say you can vote your way into Communism, but you have to shoot your way out.”

We're about to find out, or we will go quietly into the night.

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Outstanding Episodes 2 and 3 Raheem!

You have the best podcast about current politics on the air.

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Thank you so much!

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China is everywhere and calling the shots for years in Canada and the UK big time.

Not sure why the USA governments let this happen.

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Bags and bags of junk silver

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I have friends who are sure that Michelle Obama will be the evil left’s candidate! Any thoughts?

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You mean “Michael” … that would be the living end, a trans as President of the United States of America.

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That would be worse than watching Biden or the View 24/7

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Nigel could definitely find a medium sized bank in Texas that would be proud to hold his deposits, but I understand it's about local banking. They're all as... uh, jerks for debanking him; watch the tides turn in a few years and they'll all come back begging for his business.

Meanwhile, Raheem, what's your opinion about Roger Stone's comment regarding Mike/Michele Obama being the nominee, Ole Joe being out/Kamala in for a minute and Gavin buying the VP spot?

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Thanks, Raheem. You're the best!!

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No you are!

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So Raheem! Konstantin Kisin seems to have been another casualty of the ideology gestapo.

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I like him a lot.

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You are so right on about DESANCTIMONIOUS

But but he now has flags behind him😁😁😁

It’s like watching a Hollywood copy cat film

Makes me hate he was also Navy —-just like how retarded navy Rick Scott turned out to be

At least Bannon stays worthy of the anchor.

Farage Bank Story is insane

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If Ron has that title, then Pence's new title must be "Pharisee"

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We watched it on GB News where we also follow the small boat asylum seekers and problems associated with it. Banking seems to have evolved to political surveillance and social credit score instead of banking. Worst yet we were concerned that NANA might fill in for Nigel. I say, I say.

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Do you have depositor-owned credit unions where you are?

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The Biden Crime Family resorts to yet another Student Loan 'forgiveness' via executive order - which of course is nothing but a direct cash payment to the progressive Universities - students actually being a mere 'facilitator' - while the country writhers via true usury by way of Central Banking helicopter money printing and Washington/Ukrainian caused inflation. I am sure Nigel, extraordinary leader he has always been will cope nicely.

It is indicative of what they intend for every god fearing populist patriot - be forewarned. Invest and diversify accordingly. Great Pods Raheem!

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Why is nobody questioning the billions of endowments some of those Universities are receiving while raising tuitions to astronomical levels? Reorg them or tax them! Why should we have to work two jobs and sacrifice because student loans netted a degree in surfing, a car, nice apartment, vacations, and parties?

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