When DeSantis sidesteps the issue of the prosecutorial misconduct political persecution of Pres. Trump with statements that he's going to stop the weaponization of the DOJ, he ignores the elephant in the room that his only path to victory in the GOP primary is if the DOJ succeeds in it's weaponized prosecutorial misconduct persecution of Pres. Trump to remove him from contention. That's it. That's the entire strategy of DeSantis campaign. How, the thinking mind asks, could he possibly stop the weaponization of the same DOJ that he needs to win office in the first place? An inquisitive interviewer or audience member at a campaign townhall Q&A would ask that question. Don't you think?

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"Prosecutorial Misconduct" - you are retarded. Jack Smith is honest.

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LOLOLOL! Good one!


Jack Smith is an Assassin. A political assassin. And a real POS. Who should and will burn in hell. Only Retards actually think he's honest.

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Seems like it's KarlMarx watch. Look in a mirror, stupe.

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How retarded do you need to be to follow Raheem a decade after he inflicted Brexit on Brits with Lord Lebedev and Murdoch? How many times does Raheem do this to a country with help from local morons?

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That's right, he knows how mafiya thinks. He isn't afraid of Serbian Putin pets, why would he be afraid of GOP ones? He's already dealt with scarier Putin pets.

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I'm guessing you're about 14 years old. I don't punch down. Go back to doing middle school things, kiddo.

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Get the popcorn ready for the DC case. Remember that I told you to expect 30+ defendants first.

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For Nickelodeon-age TV viewers, champ!

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Trump, even with his faults, has more backbone than any other President we’ve had. I’m still voting for Trump over all the other choices for many reasons, most importantly what he did accomplish while fighting RINOs and Dems at every step, but don’t forget the media 24/7 at every moment attacking him.

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I, too, will take him over all the others. Though RFK Jr could be a push, he possesses the same backbone.

That said, I agree with others who are his detractors. He fouled the pandemic response horribly. Bad advisors and instinct. His notorious germophobia did him in. The lockdowns were ill-advised, Peter Navarro is clueless about, Bannon was itching for China confrontation. Pandemic influenza has never been able to be contained, the travel ban was never going to work, all pre-2020 plans acknowledged that. And evidence since proves true. They were explicitly cautioned against pre-2020 because they inevitably open the door to totalitarianism.

And you can't vaccinate a population out of a novel virus pandemic. Impossible. Also known and acknowledged pre-2020. Both Trump pandemic responses he still touts as saving millions of lives resulted in destroyed economies, loss of liberties, totalitarianism taking root, tens of millions more lives lost, severely injured, severely disrupted and election integrity destroyed, paved way for his own loss.

How? How can I still support him with that litany of charges I level at him? Because of his backbone to stand up to the corrupt system that his horrible pandemic response exposed. The totalitarians in both parties. The corrupt medical and pharmaceutical industries. The lying government propagandists controlling the Fake News media and Big Tech. No longer hidden, flushed out as opportunity knocked before the kettle boiled the frogs resting comfortably in it.

I give RFK Jr my split thoughts about for the same backbone he's shown in fighting those interests who Trump's failure flushed out. But he isn't as proven in the top spot as Trump. My ideal would be for Trump to finally admit his mistakes, own them, then put RFK Jr in charge of destroying that corrupt system that's been exposed. Trump has got to come clean, though. He simply must. Or he'll step into something else just as horrible as he did in the pandemic.

I support him with the faith that he will learn. Though experience gives me pause. But there's nobody else who even rises to challenge the system at all like him. Not a phony like DeSantis who clearly needs the help of that corrupt system to get into the office he seeks. Who will never be able to stand up to them like Trump under those circumstances.

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One last thing, it was Pence who was in charge of the pandemic operation, not Trump! Trump was busy doing actual work that saved all of us! Pence lied to Trump about ranch and birk, and was hungry about the jab! As brilliant as Trump is, he is not a doctor or medical researcher so how would he know! But he created "warpspeed to save people, and it would have if it had been a true emergency illness, instead it was a kill plan initiated in North Carolina and sent to When for added danger! Trump's plan was phenominal, the problem was there was no pandemic, just a scheme to decrease the population!

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I disagree with that assessment. Trump committed the original sin of the pandemic when he banned travel. That opened up Pandora's box to totalitarianism, just like all the pandemic influenza planning guides said. And even Fauci, the doctors and medical experts said so at the time. Trump overrode them. At the urging of Peter Navarro, not a doctor or medical expert. And the China hawks around him, including the Steve Bannon's. Also not a doctor or medical expert.

At a time when the US and the world needed a US president to say, "we have nothing to fear but fear itself" or "we will bear any burden, pay any price for the cause of liberty" he said first, "I'm shutting down travel from China to prevent a virus from spreading to our nation" - an impossibility, influenza isn't contained by preventing travel, and even if it was possible, which it isn't, it had already become widespread in the US by November, 2019, many test results reveal that was the case. And then he said, "we need to the nation down for two weeks to slow the spread and save our hospitals from being overrun." That was demonstrably a falsehood. It made absolutely no difference. It didn't work anywhere it was tried. Nowhere. Tell me one place it worked?

Of course he created OWS trying to help. But that's because he trusted Big Pharma. Big F'ing mistake. They are evil and have a history of evil. Even RFK Jr tried to tell him about how evil Big Pharma is and their track record. And personnel is policy. Trump chose Pence as his personnel, and got the policy Pence wanted. A guy who through the only Patriot general Trump had brought into his administration under the bus, got Gen. Flynn railroaded on a violation of an antiquated and mischarged prosecution. Trump knew that about Pence, who lied to investigators about Flynn's conversations with Russia being illegal. Trump trusted that backstabbing bastard Pence!

Yes, Trump didn't know. Yes, everyone around Trump lied to him. But Trump fouled up in his selection of personnel. He was elected to drain The Swamp. And then appointed Swamp creatures to lead his administration. He didn't select trustworthy people to lead his military, intelligence and justice departments. He failed to follow the "you dance with the one who brung you" advice all successful leaders must follow. He won office with the help of loyal supporters who would've helped him drain The Swamp. He chose The Swamp to lead his administration, people who would never drain their own habitat, who circled him as cornered prey the whole time. He started wrong. And never recovered.

Yet, I still support him. Go figure? Hope breeds eternal. Hoping he learns where he fouled up worst. And doesn't make the same mistakes. Only RFK Jr has any appeal to me of the rest. All of the others are Swamp Creatures.

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Trump did not make any mistake! His administration esp penis betrayed him, lied to him! The only mistake Trump ever made was to give these dirt bags a chance to do what was right! I hope he will never hire such a bunch of sneaky, lying, traitors again! Penis, Hailey, pompeo, And so many others who care 0 about us

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This is suppose to say Fauci and Birk

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The charges against Trump are all manufactured! You should get that by now! They are afraid of him because he is NOT afraid! He screws up all their evil schemes lies, treason, racketeering, perversion, and on and on and on...! Trump is GOD'S chosen and anointed! First GOD comes and cleans up all the filth and injustice, then Trump takes over! This is GOD'S plan, not mine! GOD calls Trump HIS David, and you know what David did with just one stone!!!!

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Of course, we get that. Half the nation gets that by now. Even the other half that says he deserves it know the charges are manufactured, but don't care, they hate him that much they'll go along with it. Only a minority are actually that brain-dead to believe they're real.

Fact of the matter is, we are ALL God's chosen ones, chosen to be here now for this moment in history. Even his worst mistakes that I call him out on are a part of God's plan, intended to wake us up before the water in the pot boils us alive. Trump is not my Savior. He is a man. Doing what God wills him to do. And we have an obligation to not just watch him and cheer him on. Or wait for God to come and clean up all the filth and injustice for us. God chose us to be here now because he believes we will roll up our sleeves, take the types of risks to our well-being that Trump is taking and join in to help clean up the filth and injustice ourselves. We are ALL David. We must ALL pick up that one stone. And aim our slingshots at Goliath's big, fat head. Our votes aren't enough. We have to step out of our comfortable lives and take control of our society. All who have failed, from faith leaders, medical leaders, academia, local governments, industry, food supply, media, all of it. The evil is deep and wide. And it often doesn't look like evil. It looks like ordinary people just doing their jobs, what they are told to do. Even when it's harmful and goes against the values God commands us to follow. We must demand better. Become better. Replace what is with better. Trump can only do so much. And he will make mistakes, some bad ones. It is up to us, the rest of of who God chose to be here today to make sure his mistakes aren't exploited by evil like his pandemic mistakes were.

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Normies on the right. Normies on the left. If praying to the MAGAnista false prophet settles your reality then so be it.

Sorry friendo, it's all a charade.

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Trump is the next president ! Haha

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One thing I know for sure, Ron DeSantis will be eaten alive should, God forbid, he ever becomes the GOP NOMINEE. We will be sure to loose the election.

The MSM loves him now but that will swing 180 degrees if he is our nominee.

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I love your sub stack and Pulse, but I'm confused by the comment section. I love to tell people off I disagree with. Isn't that weird!

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They're all run by the same syndicate (if you believe prima fascia politics you're a fool) even RFK Jr. I just think it would be refreshing to have candidates possessing greater than a fifth-grade vocabulary.

The Trump unit is such an embarrassment on sooo many levels.

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No you stupidity is the embarrassment! You can't get your news from CNN loser!

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No, people like you who are so out of touch are the embarrassment!

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This episode must be about Raheem's dating life

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This is not a easy thing to address (and quite frustrating for Trump supporting folks), and when it comes to with Mr. Trojan Horse Ron, it is somewhat cringe worthy.

He seems more like a Mafia Boss about to throw a temper tantrum. After all, BOZO the Clown could get stuff done if those making laws and in charge of your State are all in your own double-minded party. There is no opposition.

Amazing to watch though, the house cleaning happening with the Republican traitor RINO class!

The exposure of the tares in the wheat theater is truly worth paying attention to.

The theater should be called the "Discovery of Snakes riding the Leviathan's Back"

Sad to say: it was all predictable; as, 45 still has plenty of double-minded people still advising him that are as fake as a "Corn Pop" faced 3 dollar bill. (So, where is Mathew Tyrmand anyway? Or, Ronna the McDaniel)?

Included in the strangest of the strange 45 trusts, are those convincing him into aligning his Religious beliefs of support with the Moonie Queen in Korea. (If one really wants trouble, just offend the "Ancient Of Days" - the "Creator" go ahead - by embellishing and creating your own Gospel linking it to His Son).

Or should we say, if your really want an enema from Heaven and the revoking of protection, keep up placing value in the lies of people around you posing as your friends.

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Trump is GOD'S chosen and anointed! Once he understands this, he will be magnificent! I agree that he has some spooks trying to advise him, he listens to them, but makes his own decisions. I'm not worried about Trump, but the evil scum that have destroyed and murdered innocents all over the world, well they better worry, because GOD has had enough of their evil ways, and they are about to be taken OUT!

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" if your really want an enema from Heaven " - GOP online

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God will save this country, and many countries all over the world! GOD is the judge of all the earth and HE will turn our enemies to nought.

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I'll tell you like I told @SteveBannon ~ You can badmouth the DeSantis unit all you want dipshit. One thing he did not do is help engineer the killings and injuries of millions of people like Death Jab Don.

You're culpable and you will come clean if it short dicks every cannibal on the Congo!

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He was pretty mercenary in covid, he was mostly trying to help cronies like the Regeneron guy, which is all Ron ever does.

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Yes, he did, look back he was all on board with the jab for quite awahile! Remember when he closed the beaches down! He is a weak nothing and a major liar! He is no leader! Granted he has done a few things but the headlines he gets are much less than they appear! He is easily lead by globalists and anti-American billionaires! Its quite apparent, if you just pay attention! Lastly, he would never be governor without Trump! He is oh so jealous of Trump because he knows he can never be like the great leader Trump!

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Listening to episode 1 now.

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No way I am voting for Trump again. He has taken no responsibility for handing over our country to the evil Italian dwarf and scarf lady. Unforgivable.

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Trump is the only true leader! You are very wrong! I feel sorry for people like you, who don't get it! Trump didn't hand over this country, it has been handed over decades ago, and if the election he won hadn't been stolen from him, none of this deal would be happening!

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