No, the Democrats did not run better campaigns. They cheated, as usual. And Emerald Robinson has posted the receipts.


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And why is it when dems think they are losing, we are going to be counting votes for days. Like Fetterman said last night. But somehow when they get the win, all the votes are counted on election night.

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Because republicans are too dull and weak to fight for the integrity of elections, they form a holier-than-thou attitudes when it comes to even discussing it. R’s must beat the Dems in their games until everyone agree on election reforms or else Dems will continue to win key elections

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I'm afraid this – due to Republican ineptitude – has become normalized. And therefore, counts within my claim of a "better run campaign".

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Blake and Kari stand a good chance of winning, currently. Watching Charlie Kirk show and they’re doing a breakdown on mail ins and drop offs. This is positive for both.

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As of a 3 hours ago, Lake was down by 30k with some 900k ballots from heavy GOP areas. She should win. However, try as they might, the election depts are an embarrassment to AZ. IF Lake does get the nod, she has said now that will be corrected. Dems just are not trustworthy. They will do ANYTHING to win. There is one sign of hope: Zuck will lay off 11k stupid people at fakebook, or is it meta? Regardless, i can't wait to hear the howls.

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Hobbs is AZ Secretary of State.

Secretary’s of States run elections.

So she ran a really great election machine and lets give her credit.

Its not who votes but who counts the votes-

- a famous man and Statesman, and WINNER I appreciate the more I look at the GOP.

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It would be fun to give Hobbs credit for that election machine. However, it could hardly have been worse. Let's see - Florida with 7.5 million people completed their election in 5 or 6 hours. Hours. Arizona, whose election was managed by Hobbs, announced this morning they will likely not have the results until Friday. Arizona is 1/3 to 1/2 the size of Florida. AZ should have had the results last night. So, I give Hobbs an F-. Can one imagine how she would manage the whole state gov? One shudders at the thought.

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Yr right abt as Stalin said: ' It's not who votes but who counts the votes-' so my question is WHY isn't the GOP screaming this as well as who said it?

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Just think of all the peripheral support jobs, making avocado toast, for instance, lost.

* liberalism is expensive.

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Great point.

Also, the sale of nose rings and fairy tats. Just think of their loss in sales. Tee, hee.

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MAGAts really think that liberals all work in cafes, while the reality is that most of the wealth of the country comes from the liberal coasts.

But to be a MAGAt is to be poor, stupid, and tricked by Murdoch into thinking that this somehow means "authenticity".

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No, the wealth comes from the people who build feed and fuel this country, nice try though period you’re just a bunch of useless idiots packed into disgusting crime ridden rat holes that think you know something because you went to school longer than those of us who actually built what you consume. You don’t know how to fix cars, you don’t know how to build anything, if you were put in charge of a farm everyone would starve. You’re a bunch of useless lying idiots

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So true. Lefties and useful idiots would not like real consequences. They ruin everything they touch.

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Just keep reporting his comments until he gets banned. He is nothing but a troll

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I wonder how some folks are asinine enough to think that exporting fresh water by growing cotton or almonds makes sense without them being literally retarded, but, then, looking at your dumb face clarifies that these types are indeed real. There really are morons out there that think that sending the contents of a water table under a heavily populated desert to Asia makes sense.

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You can stick your condescending attitude. What is your point. don't presume to tell me what I think or anyone else you pompous windbag. I think it would be more accurate that MAGA supporters recognize that most people that work in cafes and have these types of jobs is because they seem the be the only ones that have the time to spend weeks rioting and burning down cities. So that's accurate. What's inaccurate is your ludicrous assertion that we think all liberals work in cafes. I attempt the intellectually dishonest attempt to turn that around. Go away libby.

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No doubt that is what you, sir, wish to believe. However, the truth is that far too many belly up to the DC (and states) tax trough. They ARE most of the problem in our decline.

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Luz, as long as you remember - the only way to fight communism is to help Elaine Chao's family bring in fentanyl with Mitch - this country will treat you OK.

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Good! Pay more in taxes, groomer! I need a new F-150 and your tax money will help me get it for free! 😂

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You wouldn't be a MAGAt if you weren't a trailer park welfare rat, and clearly, that's what you are, Jim, a parasite.

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While it is true those immature libs focused on dissing fossil fuels while riding their plastic battery skateboards to and from the bus-stops and whose fools suicidally vote for Pelosi, Feinstein, and Newsom. In a sense though, they do concurrently answer Nature's call for adaption of species or begone.

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Newsom is a product of the Getty family, if you knew anything about California, you would know that.

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They can always learn to dig coal!

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Nope, they cheat

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Never happened. The supreme court made the decision on those phoney ballots generated by lefties like u.

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Yep, the machines have always been rigged. Democrat or republican – if you win by the machines then you were selected-not elected. Then in 2020 we broke the algorithms but they figured out that mail in voting would fix everything forever. Evil. People are so stupid they think that mail in voting is legitimate🤦🏻‍♀️ they steal all of our votes and give us the illusion of democracy. They aren’t even good at giving the illusion anymore, they don’t even try

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Yeah that rusty happen but keep the fantasy alive. When they did the manual recount he win by a larger margin so you don’t get to rewrite history

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It was a joint effort. Gore missed nothing by losing that election. He still got to claim invention of the internet and spout climate change BS: a win-win!

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One might wonder what Gore's carbon footprint is compared to his supportive useful idiots. Although, he (Gore) probably does not worry for those types breed & multiply like rabbits so there are always plenty around to scarf up his deceit. We only have to look at big tech to see the by-product.

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Yes in part .. Not only that but Democrats have a better playbook people under 30 and minorities.Education is run by 98% liberals marxist communist socialist progressives.They indoctornate their students it has been going on for over 30 years+They are taught that they are victims of the system it easy to manipulate them...Until you take back the education system you wont win any more elections until this changes....Its like smoking they knew it was bad and took 20 years to change it through education ...They keep them stupid no Civics no Govt in schools they have no idea how it works.Parents fault my opinion.

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R establishment and even the MAGA crowd believe this is about policy but that's only marginally true. Under 30's voted on their *theological* beliefs, not on reasons. America especially white America is bad, abortion is good, the weather is going to kill us all, democracy itself is under attack. The under 30's will vote for their theology even if the outcomes completely destroy their lives. Jim Jones 2.

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The under 30s crowd will soon get what they deserve as the whole system of globalization and fiat money is unravelling - collapses can happen suddenly and without warning

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A green haired "woman" on TikTok read out the new catechisms and they followed dutifully. Bolshevism plus pronouns. They rebranded this collectivist insanity as "equity" but it's the same old tired and failed idea: take money from people who earned it and give it to people who didn't. The end result of course is The Soviet Union: "we pretend to work, and they pretend to pay us". The Vatican of the new communism of course is The U.N. (among other dioceses), who started the push for "climate reparations" yesterday. They demanded a cool *$2 trillion per year* from developed nations. In other words, take money from poor people in rich countries and give it to rich people in poor countries. Team Normal needs to get its skates on and start coming up with a competing *theology* ASAP, the ballot box ain't gonna win this one :(

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Genius move on the part of leftists. Join an occupation that pays well with generous benefits that affords you tenure protections so you can't be fired for using the classroom to covertly indoctrinate students.

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100% that’s how they are able to convince people that the machines work without cheating and without the Internet when they connect the results to the Internet🤦🏻‍♀️ that’s how they convince people that million dollar voting machines that can be hacked count our elections more securely and can’t count an election faster than people. After they argued with patriots for two years that the machines are better than hand counts – then they pretend the machines are broken and can’t count at all. 🤦🏻‍♀️

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Wholeheartedly agree!! Great post by Emerald!

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Yes - I absolutely agree - there was LOTS of the usual Democrat vote fraud going on...and it worked! But I can't stand any of these "McRino's" who continue to sleep with the Dems everytime they get the hankering for a beltway orgasm. That's why I haven't given a dime to the RNC in years... Not until these phonies are out!

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So long as Republicans vote differently than Dems (and we encourage them to do so!) there is a clear path to sabotage. If republicans vote on election day, eff up election day. This is not rocket surgery.

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many say repubs vote a lot on vote day, well what happened? machines down those in line mostly not informed of what's happening or go to another voting place. one place ran out of paper, you know how many registered in your precinct so you know how much paper is needed plus 25%.

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Both cheat

McConnell lost in 2020 I bet

Uniparty cheated to stop Trump BOTH elections

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I think by ‘better campaigns’, Raheem is looking at the outcome, which is more years of democrat control…be.CAUSE of their control over institutions. The fact is they CAN cheat…and they are. We need to counter that by being aware of outlets and strategies, like TikToc, and countering them there…not acquiescing. Millennials USE TikToc but they’re also VOTERS. Republicans candidates discharged them They need to do a better job of meeting ALL voters where they are and these election results prove that.

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I just wrote this in my "GREAT RESIST: Best Great Reset Resistance Memes (Become Ungovernable!)" https://covidsteria.substack.com/p/great-reset-resistance-become-ungovernable post for today as I had more or less made this comment on another Substack yesterday AS I AM TIRED OF HEARING ITS ALL VOTER FRAUD:

"- Despite what alternative media may claim, the voting fraud is only going to be a worth a couple of points in statewide races.

- The last #s I saw (apparently just early voting figures…) for Charlie Crist (or it might have been Rubio's opponent…) were 46% for Miami-Dade and 49% for Palm Beach County with DeSantis winning the whole state by 20% (REMINDER: Charlie Crist was a Republican turned Independent turned Democrat who probably failed to maximize the idiot aka hard-core Democrat voter base).

- We know that FL elections are reasonably clean and there is unlikely to be much cheating in these two counties (beyond the minor urban area shenanigans and incompetence like some dead people still on the rolls and voting, a few people double voting etc etc). We also know that Miami-Dade is 70% “Hispanic” - many of whom are Cubans, along with Venezuelans and Colombians, who are unique Latino demographics who are generally concentrated in FL and lean Republican-conservative...

- This means the minimum BASELINE estimates for IDIOTS and people VESTED IN THE CURRENT SYSTEM in these two counties is 46% and 49%. (Again, I don’t know and have not looked up the final results BUT you get my point - feel free to look up the figures and post in a comment…)

- In many other BLUE areas of the country, whether urban areas or even entire states, this baseline of idiots and people vested in the system will be SIGNIFICANTLY HIGHER - especially as non-IDIOTS increasingly get fed up and move to freer states.

- This means IF you live in the states of MI, IL, PA, NY, RI, CA, OR, WA, MA etc etc - you are F*cked because the baseline of idiots and people vested in the current system, BEFORE ANY VOTER FRAUD IS ACTIVATED, is far higher in these states and/or their urban areas than they would be in a free state like FL where non-IDIOTS are flocking too.

- Reality Check: If you live any in any of these BLUE SH*THOLES (either an urban area or an entire state), YOU NEED TO MOVE if you are unhappy with the way things are locally! You are NOT going to fix anything locally and/or in your state by taking part in more election Kabuki theatre because you will NEVER outvote the growing BASELINE OF IDIOTS or the VOTER FRAUD if/when that gets activated!"

Arizona and MAYBE Nevada can also be salvaged by at least fixing the election problems BUT its not going to solve IDIOT problem!

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Thank YOU. Finally some truth and sense into the whole situation. GOP needs to take accountability for their mess. Do not blame it on Trump. The GOP leaders are smelling like the globalist Dems. Sickening.

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Oh my Gosh, someone else that gets it. I'm so sick of people not seeing that the GOP is just as bad as the Democrats. They are the uniparty. It's all theater. Election fraud is rampant and the globalists ultimately are deciding who holds office. The supreme court sold old because someone is probably going to spill the beans on Chief justice Roberts ventures to epsteins pedophile island. Trump was a spoiler and hated by both parties. However Trump made a mess of the covid situation and now he needs to step aside. Dishing dirt on DeSantis is ignorant and exactly what the democrats want.

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Trump didn't dish dirt on DeSantis. He made a jab at DeSantis. That's classic Trump, shocking (insert sarcasm) ! He is transparent and occasionally too transparent. That's far better than the alternative, which is a well-spoken smooth talking politician who speaks with a forked tongue. Besides, since when did personality become a reason to vote over substantive issue and policy? Trump is the only person willing to take on the establishment and it's because of the way he is that makes that possible. His ego which sometimes lends itself to insults is what makes him a fighter for the American people. You have to take the good with the not so good. Everyone is flawed but Trump knows how to get the job done.

Nobody will not make mistakes. Trump did not get to unilaterally decide how Covid was to be handled. No president past or future would have been able to push the powers that be from inventing a vaccine. That's just implausible. If it had been left to him, the country would have never shut down. If it hadn't been for his quick thinking, the hospitals would have run out of medical supplies.

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These mistakes are bound to happen to someone who wasn't in politics and was navigating new terrain and counting on advisors who did him dirty. There's bound to be a learning curve in any profession as if nobody would make mistakes. Of course, they will stand out more when those who were suppose to be on his side turned out not to be. Says more about their loyalty than Trumps decision making, which often was at the behest of others. You can't run a country without trust and delegation. There were bound to be traitors given the animosity towards him.

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Agreed. I lost faith in his gross mismanagement in creating the pandemic.

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He didn't create a pandemic. He did the best he could given the circumstances and there's not a president past or future that could have prevented a vaccine from being created. That's illogical to think otherwise.

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Absolutely "conservatives" have got to embrace the "culture wars," or else "MAGA" is going to rapidly dwindle to a few church-goers and a tiny collection of aging, silver-haired septuagenarians complaining about how America used to be "back in the day." Because at present the "conservative" party is less than useless and, ultimately, it stands for nothing.

I'm speaking as a 36 year old. Before "MAGA" came along I despised Republicans. I still do, in most cases, on account of the prevailing "I got mine" mentality most common to the "Boomer" generation. For my entire life the "Republicans" did nothing while the economy tanked, the nation was sold out to globalist interests and the "American Dream" became largely unobtainable. Well - they did nothing other that screaming at people "work harder, lazy, entitled snowflake millennial" while jobs were simultaneously off-shored, eliminated, reduced to part-time, or placed behind the Great Wall of "you need a BA, MA, two certifications and three years of experience to even apply." The only reason why I am not a card-carrying Dem-lunatic socialist if because that BA and MA that I happened to need in order to quality for employment above the level of "you want fries with that" coincidentally happened to be in the field of history. Fortunately I was clever enough to see the end-results of "National Socialism" (and centralized government and censorship) in action. My "peers" - not so much. They vote Left because those supposedly wonderful "opportunities" in the "land of opportunities" started diminishing in the 1970s and, at present, by and large no longer exist. They vote Left because their grandfathers could hold a job, invest in a home, and support a family on ONE salary, while they themselves cannot. They vote Left because they know of no other way of living, beyond struggling to make ends meet with two and three part-time jobs -or one job that required a tens of thousands of dollars investment in college indoctrination to even qualify for, which thereby largely negates the "salary" of said one job! They vote Left because they are told to "care" by a generation of people who didn't care a whit about them. Not enough to push back against the cultural takeover or the economic collapse.

Realistically what do they have to point to as a contrary? Decades of failing economics, a spineless GOP, and a disaffected legion of meek, mute, judgmental "conservatives" who are as much in their bubbles as the women of The View? "I got mine," and "you can just work harder" followed by "gee, why did Gen-Z and the Millennials vote Democrat?"

Trump came along, and for the first time in my life, briefly, I could financially breathe. And the "establishment" hated it with a furor that nearly borders on demonically unhinged. GOP and DNC alike! But how many times did Trump get in his own way while fighting that establishment? Realistically, how many times did his ego get in the way of his otherwise miraculously good actions?

Yes. The GOP "McLeadership" must change. Whether that involves leadership by Trump or DeSantis or some other individual all together is less clear at present. But what people - especially young people - need is living examples of "this is what it means to be an American" to point to. People need to see fighters, not establishmentarians. If the Left wants to "burn the system down" then the present age needs men and women who are willing to go scorched earth if that's what it takes.

Most importantly, "Conservatives" are going to need to look into the eyes of two-plus generations of Americans and say "we understand that the opportunities that we had 40-50 years ago by and large don't exist any more because of decades of fiscal mismanagement, offshoring, outsourcing, and overregulation - here's how we are going to bring them back." And then they are going to need to follow through on that promise. If that doesn't happen then you can bet in 10 years this will be a socialist nation.

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By far the best comment on here. I always hated those stiff necked country clubbers, and DJT (of all people!) began to slough them off. I’m no church-goer, silver-haired boomer. I just want the opportunities I KNOW this country can provide for all of us, not just the ultra-degreed blue state city dweller. It’s not DJT that should be criticized, it’s the “McLeadership.”

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Thank you. Normally when I dare point our that the socioeconomic landscape of America is in no way comparable to the 1960s, and that young people legitimately are struggling under crime, social isolation by fiat, and economic hardship, I get called a "whining snowflake" ... by the same Conservatives who then wonder why I don't vote for them. I'm with you - I don't want "handouts" or an "easy ride." All I want is the resources of America to serve America, jobs to be accessible, wages to meet the costs of living, the government to leave people alone, and the leadership of America to invest in ALL American citizens. I give kudos to DJT for pushing back against the "establishment McLeadership." We need a party that's willing to go scorched earth on the Left.

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well it's not the republicans. I am also a conservative that get attacked by fellow conservatives all the time for speaking the truth. Conservatives are wallowing in denial and the republicans in office are taking us for a ride.

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"All I want is ... [for] the government to leave people alone."

That would be a contradiction in terms. To 'govern' means to not leave them alone.

The answer is to be rid of that ruling class of parasites and to adopt a true free (voluntary) market in all things. Property rights are at the root of morality and a rational political philosophy. Government is the opposite of property rights.

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I agree with 99.99% of that. I'm not so libertarian as to think that this would be totally feasible, as unless the entire globe were living in accordance with the exact same values and customs from form of structured national border/trade and military would be needed. I also would concede that in the event of disagreement between property owners there would need to be an organized system of arbitration or mediation (unless you want to bring back dueling), which would necessitate some form of representative legal structure. But definitely the bloated bureaucracy and permanent political class need to go, and the nation needs to return to its limited government roots. Maintain the highways, maintain the military, and keep out of everyone's business.

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We can vote on what the rules are (rather than on who will rule) and we can hire private rule enforcers, all limited to the same rules, of course, but competing for commercial success.

What is needed first is a constitution (a first rule) which says that all rules must apply to all individuals. Such a constitution precludes a ruling elite as well as bad rules.

Limited government is similar to limited pregnancy.

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Wonderfully put. I am a boomer. A late boomer with zero in common with the Woodstock generation, but I am 60 years old. I can’t tell you how much I despise the boomer attitude you describe. Totally lacking in empathy. Bruce Cannon Gibney called Boomers a generation of sociopaths and I can’t disagree with a lot of what he said. https://share.libbyapp.com/title/2841907

I used to vote almost all Democratic but not now. Still, I can’t bring myself to call myself conservative or a Republican. They’re pretty much useless too. Trumpy is out there shilling for Pfizer and Moderna and thinks the military is just dandy and should be bigger. Although I appreciate that he didn’t get us into any more conflicts and did a pretty good job with the economy, he’s too much of a boomercon who went along with Fauci and supported lockdowns and money printing, rushed through a fake vaxx with operation warp speed and has horrible judgment in the people he chose to appoint.

DeSantis isn’t perfect but he seems more in tune with the times.

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Yes! "A generation of sociopaths" pretty much sums up about half of the Boomer Generation, I'd say. Of course I'd say much the same about most of the Millennials, which is my generation. It's the complete and utter narcissistic lack of empathy that is, ultimately, destroying the nation. I'm more conservative than not in a lot of my leanings, but as far as "party allegiance" goes, I don't ascribe to hive-minded tribalism. I've heard Democrats (not the modern Marxist-Globalist lunatics, I mean old school Democrats) make valid points. I've heard libertarians made valid points. Conservative also make valid points. The problem is the narcissists have taken over at every level of the nation, and have become outright authoritarians. That isn't going to change until the Radical Left gets its thumb off of the town square and lets people actually speak.

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You’re a very perceptive young lady; at least I think you’re a lady with the name Chelsea (I don’t want to misgender you 😁. ) I have daughters almost your age and I know how tough it is for younger people. It almost seems like being a sociopath is a prerequisite for being a politician of any stripe. All we can do is try to keep our families safe and throw the bums out whenever we get the chance.

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Yep. Lady it is.

And yep, sociopaths they are and a prerequisite it is.

Term limits and mandatory release of taxes each year would probably clear a good bit of that up.

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Narcissistic yes. Sociopath not a real diagnosis but anti social personality disorder is a far stretch.

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Is it? I don’t know about the DSM but sociopath is the layman’s term for a person lacking in empathy. Narcissistic might be true in some respects because the narcissist demands constant ego boosting; however, the narcissist also can’t stand to see other people happy. Politicians want to keep their constituents happy, at least superficially

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You clearly don’t understand what a sociopath actually is because there is no such “diagnosis”. If you mean antisocial personality disorder not even close. Narcissistic yes but you can’t banter diagnoses around like that

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There’s no diagnosis here. It’s a common term for a person with no conscience. I’ve heard the term psychopath too. No conscience but instead of becoming crazed murderers they learn to act as if they have feelings for their fellow humans and become politicians and CEOsgb

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Nov 10, 2022
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Well to be honest I'm not a fan of any of the establishment types, Johnson included - America, in my opinion, has no business "policing the world." If we are attacked, b all means attack back until the attacker is nothing but a sea of glass. But this need to involve ourselves in "forever wars" so the Elite can prosper and maintain their control? No. Military Industrial Complex, Medical Industrial Complex, Globalist Governing Entities, they are all as bad as each other.

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There’s a place for defense contractors but they are overfed and fat. Better to have manufacturing jobs for stuff ordinary people can use.

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Great post! Could hardly be better.

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Thank you.

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It will only take 4 more years.

If we have not been depopulated and sterilized before hand.

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MAGA can now join the tea party. It's over.

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You went fash because you're just another dumb dude with no significant skills who feels he has some kind of relevance and so was a sucker for Murdoch resentment culture.

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What a measured and intelligent statement. So well-supported by factual knowledge of my gender, my skill set, and my long history of employment across a multitude of fields since I've been 12 years old. So empathetic and so well-informed about the current economic state of the nation, and all of its manifold wonderous golden opportunities for individuals to build wealth and obtain property that are just waiting for people to trip over.

You must be one of the sociopathic narcissistic Boomers who "got theirs" previously referenced in discussion. You want to know why people "go fash" open a book about the fall of the Weimar Republic and then take a look at the inflationary rate of the US dollar and compare it to the Papiermark. Then look at the rise of the Nazi Party and tell me what "resentment" can do when the underlying causes of real societal suffering are ignored by the elite. And by semi-literate keyboard warriors who have their heads shoved so far up their pseudo-intellectual posterior ends that they can barely see the light of day.

That's ok, though. History is usually quite cyclical. I suspect you'll find yourself feeling rather resentful too, in the end, when the "fash" generation moves on from their infatuation with the term "Nazi" and learns the term "Kulak."

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Chelsea. Brony is a troll. Stop feeding him.

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Nov 10, 2022
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I subbed to Ship's substack because he offered a counter to many of my trusted follows. I'm on the verge of ignoring him like I do to Andrew McCarthy. I think Ship would've been worth a follow if he didn't have a fetish for kissing the boots of FBI agents.

He still does represent some J6ers. And while I have reservations about Ship, he doesn't have danger hair and he isn't getting his clients to blame Trump and confess to wanting to overthrow the country. There seem to be practically no other lawyers willing to help the J6ers.

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Tell us why Shipley and Pierce are great legal minds, John, I want to hear this.

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The idea that you would educate me on 1930s Europe is hilarious.

Just guzzle that Tucker swill. Did you know that the American deep state cheated so Lula would win? That's what Tucker says. He'd never lie.

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Aleister who are you addressing here? Raheem, the OP, or are you just being a troll 🧌? Come on man let’s get it together okay? The most common leftie straw men - MAGA, Jan 6, Fox News, Murdoch, Tucker Carlson, Russian bot, insurrectionists, science deniers. Did I miss anything? We’re having an adult conversation here. Grow up or post it on twatter. You’ll probably get a few thousand likes on your asinine bafflegarble.

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I'm addressing the James L Montgomerie - Mastriano - Pompeo - DeSantis ex-mil terror network... they're exposed and the clean-up will find every node in their crew.

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That is what the Dems and Rep establishment want everyone to believe, they do not want Trump to run again and they are trying to make it look like he's the reason the Red Wave didn't happen....we all know it was because of cheating!

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Trump is largely the reason the conservatives who did win will actually be taking office.

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the people who win did so because the globalists allowed it. The globalists decide who will be in office and they manufacture the evidence to support it. Just like Biden said. We can't count the absentee votes until we know how many votes we need.

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I sincerely hope you are wrong, tho I fear you are right. But we cannot afford to lose hope. At the same time we cannot afford to be blind.

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Trump had absolutely nothing to do with even one person winning. The elections are fixed and controlled by the globalists. Did you sleep through 2020. We no longer have real elections.

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did you sleep through all the work that's been going on in the las =t couple of years?

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Great commentary Raheem...best I've seen today. I understand why Bannon was playing footsie with Rhonna and the rest...trying to bring these people together with MAGA will never work. Thanks

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Thats exactly why I was shocked when he brought her on the show. I guess it was worth a try for the win- but I largely agree with Raheems commentary.

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I went to bed last night thinking many people have been brainwashed. I would like to change that to brain dead.

2nd. I would like to know what turnout was compared to historic turnout levels. I would to see that further segmented between blue and red states and then further segmented between "in person" voting and " all other". Once i have this data in cross tabs I will feel much more comfortable drawing conclusions.

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You are correct. This info seems slow in coming if we EVER are allowed to see it.

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Pretty awesome RK You nailed it!,

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I truly hope that America First Patriots DO NOT lose faith in #MAGA because the Red Wave was more of a trickle vs blowout. If they knee-jerk "blame" Donald Trump, they're missing the correct & deeper analysis in Raheem's excellent analysis in this article.

I wish Raheem had been advising on some the messaging in the GOP leadership. Time for NEW GOP Chair--Ronna McDaniel must go...consider someone like AZ's Kelli Ward, she'd be a fighter and effective.

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And Trump still loves the Ronna.

Go figure.

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I agree with most of what you said. However I think Trump stepped all over his own messaging by saying he would declare his own intentions in a couple of weeks. I think all of that should’ve waited until after everyone had voted because it discouraged Democrats from crossing the aisle and voting for the Republicans they really wanted to vote for.

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Also, i do not like his alleged comment about DeSantis. That's all we need is to attack one of our own who have a good chance.

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Fake news lies!

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It’s not fake news I saw the words come out of his mouth. Some of our trump fans are as dumb as liberals with your level of denial

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There’s a recording of Trumpy referring to DeSantis as Ron DeSanctimonious

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Trump is a fool. But he's our fool. Also he's jealous of young handsome potential rivals like Desantis; and in calif we had a winner several years ago, Travis Allen -a young energetic guy who had a good chance against Newscum, but Trump didn't endorse him, instead he endorsed a creepy thing named Cox affectionately called coxucker.

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Prez Trump does do some screwy things, for sure. But then, he is NOT a polilitico dude. That is one of the reasons I love what he did his first term - he was not polite to the lefties or fake media. Other fantastic things he did was improve US standing overseas, try to make more fair trade between the US and China (rather than merely continue to sell us out like previous Obama and this creep Brandon., Energy independence was good for American too including our business interests here and overseas, plus several other important reasons. But testimony to his great heart was that he donated all his pay as President to charity each and every month. Compare this to the politicians who feed at the trough in DC and whom claim to be patriotic.

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Yeah that’s great and all but people need to stop making excuses for Trumpy. He went along with Fauci, brags about operation warp speed, had horrible choices for appointments, installed Javanka in the White House (can you imagine the rage if Brandon did that for Hunter?), fired his loyalists and didn’t stand up for the Jan 6 prisoners. Maybe he was good but he is turning out to be another boomercon

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He is no longer not a politician. Endorsing Rubio for senate who endorsed the stolen election. Asking the Rino Scott to replace the rino McConnell. Not good choices but very political.

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i voted for him and would again but i don't worship at his feet. i know he had the deep state against him at every turn but he's also got his big fat ego against him and that doesn't help us.

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Nov 10, 2022
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lol midget Ron isn't handsome, he looks like a line cook from Sicily

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The way one guy explained it is this: De=Non, so Ron is not "sanctimonious" so it was not a negative comment. IDK, that was just one guys take on it.

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That is exactly right.

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He is starting to wear thin with me. Attacking DeSantis is stupid beyond words. This is something democrats don’t do. That’s why they keep winning the culture wars.

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That is ALL the Demoncrats do. They are too stupid to have any idea of consequences. That is why they generate the garbage in LA, San Fransicko, Seattle, Portland, Baltimore, etc. You could not be more wrong. In fact, it is a waste of energy to even respond to such stupidity. So, I won't.

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Correct. Trump really F-up with that move and his early attacks on DeSantis. A full 50% of this country hate Trump to their core. That will never change. If Trump runs, 2024 is lost before it ever starts for Republicans.

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Which is worse a genuine cognitively challenged misfit like Biden or a dude who makes political mistakes but places the nation above his personal interests. Biden has fed at the trough for over 4 decades; Trump gave his salary to charity every month of his four years. That difference in and of itself is stark. But, go ahead toss your vote for a self-serving cognitively challenged crook.

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Red Wave Wannabe, guilty as charged -- but Biden fails were generational. And will be worse under investigation. Voter turnout in my blue area was lighter than 2016 when Trump won. I don’t fully buy the motivated Dems idea .. Trump fought like a lion .. MAGA fought .. RINOS need to be trickled out ..

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Rather than "trickling them out", we need to challenge them; where do they disagree with the MAGA agenda, debate them, and ultimately get them to change their minds and join us.

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Nov 10, 2022Edited
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They won re-election because the globalists wanted them in those positions.

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Voting machines across the country "went down" in key states. Thousands of voters disenfranchised. There's no question what really happened. Salty popcorn posted Emerald Robinson's substack. Read all about it.

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While mcconnell and the other loser, useless republicans in office do nothing to help get good American patriots elected, DJT who is not in office works his ass off to get fighters who love America in office! He spends his time and money to help them all! Trump is a patriot and hero! They are wining wimps! There was cheating all over the country, and when this all dies down the republicans will have taken back both house and senate and important governor- ships throughout the country! These fighters will end the tyranny the elected congress allowed for the last two years! All winers need to shut their fucking mouths, as they had nothing at all to do with the victories that occured! The people who may have lost these races need to verify their losses, because we know the leftists cheat like hell... ie machines stopped working, WiFi went down, the toilet won't flush, and all the other bs these demons come up with! Ultimately, we end with fighters, fighters who love America, love law and order, love the constitution, love the bill of rights, and want all freedoms for America, something sorely missing in the 90% useless Republican party!

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Agree on most of your points. However, Trump has collected well over 100 million dollars from small money contributors (like me & you) and has spent none of it helping the candidates he was "backing". Do the research. Public knowledge, open source data. Facts count

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The Democrats didn't run better campaigns .. Did Biden’s meddling help?

Biden signed Executive Order 14019 back in March 2021 asking all 600 federal agencies to "consider ways to expand citizens' opportunities to register to vote and to obtain information about, and participate in, the electoral process."

"The details of what was actually done remain unclear. Perhaps Democrat voters were surgically mobilized? Perhaps voter identification rules were relaxed?

We will never know because Biden refused to share details about its coordinated efforts to engage in a federal takeover of the administration of elections.

This concealment makes it very suspicious." (https://www.zerohedge.com/political/midterms-post-mortem-comprehending-gops-underwhelming-performance)

Bidenbucks: How the Federal Government is Quietly Taking Over Elections - https://thefga.org/blog/bidenbucks-how-the-federal-government-is-quietly-taking-over-elections/

"On March 7, 2021, President Biden signed Executive Order (EO) 14019, vaguely titled 'Promoting Access to Voting (https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2021/03/10/2021-05087/promoting-access-to-voting).' Hidden inside the executive order are new directives that, if left unchecked, could involve partisan federal agencies in voter registration and ultimately sway the results of future elections.

The Foundation for Government Accountability (FGA) acted quickly (https://thefga.org/blog/fga-v-doj-bidenbucks-scandal/) to publicly expose this scandal, bring the fight to the Biden administration in court, and help states stop Bidenbucks at the local level throughout the country. But with Election Day nearly here, the administration is doing everything it can to run out the clock.

The executive order requires the head of every federal executive agency to provide a strategic plan to the president’s Domestic Policy Advisor… (https://www.wsj.com/articles/voter-drive-whats-biden-hiding-justice-department-freedom-of-information-foia-transparency-corruption-lawsuit-foundation-for-government-accountability-11650403740)"

Zuckerbucks via Executive Order: How Biden Is Trying To Turn Election Offices Into Partisan Get Out The Vote Operations


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I'm surprised you did not mention cheating. There is no way someone like Fetterman could win without a lot of illegal help. Only Mike Lindell really gets it. But yes, people like Steve Bannon had us all expecting a Red Tsunami. While Bannon is an excellent host and interviewer, his judgment is almost always overly optimistic.

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Stop listening to Bannon.

He is a big manipulatetor.

I used to listen to him 3 hrs a day. No more. Have missed nothing since.

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I think I will follow you with this. Thank you.

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Donna, what do you think the average person thinks of your grip on reality when a notorious delusional crackhead is your reference for who "really gets it"?

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The McRinos need to go!

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Your comments are absolutely right. The MAGA movement, the America First Movement are bigger than President Trump and come as his creation for us to properly respect, honor and dutifully carry out. Raheem thank you. The Mc and Romney cast must be cut. Their purpose is not for American First, or Making America Great Again. Their purpose is simply for themselves. President Trump is far above such self interest. They underestimate and ignore his selection, it is not earthly.

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