This is why we need to start looking for statesmen instead of politicians. A politician worries about the next election. A statesman worries about the next generation.

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You are correct about our need for true statesmen, but I'm realistic enough to have lost faith in the general populace to even know what that means or entails. As a society, we have lost the worldview of past great generations. We obscure or outright reject the God of the Bible and the axioms of a just society that the Scriptures put forth. This nation is under the judgement of God. As a nation, we have turned away. I don't think the average voter could recognize a true, honest, statesman. For my kids sake, I hope I am wrong about my fellow citizens.

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Well you just identified the REAL problem. It is the American people. And I totally agree. BUT there are still a lot of good people in this country we just have to motivate them to run for office and most good people want no part of the dirty business of politics. It takes a special kind of narcissist to run for political office. I was a County Commissioner for 4 years. Not because I wanted to be a County Commissioner but I saw rampant wrong doings taking place and felt it was my duty to expose them.....and I did but it was 4 years of pure HELL. Me on one side of the fence and the rest on the other side of the fence.

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Same here, township supervisor for 6 miserable years. Beat out a crooked bully incumbent who was elected 5 previous elections. I had and did prove our taxes were stolen and misappropriated. Very petty board of supervisors looking for control. Happy I was instrumental in financial oversight and escaped after one term. I don't recommend or respect politics. Public servant is a hard tole!

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Thank you for the reply. Reading all of your comments, I think if I lived in the same county, I would be voting for you. I strongly agree with you that there is a groundswell of people that need to be encouraged to run for office.

The only option we have is to vote....vote in elections, vote on school boards, vote on referendums.

I'm doubtful that the current elected group has the sense to 'course-correct' at this critical point in our downturn. I'm expecting more taxes and more spending for useless programs and projects (Ukraine comes to mind) and no thoughts of impending economic catastrophy. After all, the Beltway elite already have their nest eggs.

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Good luck with that!

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RON PAUL 2024!!!!!!!!

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But we do have elections every two years. I definitely want term limits for Congress, but, unless by "term limit" we mean "one and done" then we will always have politicians thinking about the next election.

Sorry, but your comment carries all the weight in the real world of, "why can't we all just get along?"

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I agree term limits for all, including judges.

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All term limits will do is rotate in more criminals more often. Until we clean up election fraud and start electing statesmen instead of politicians term limits will do nothing. We Americans always want the easy way out of a mess that we actually created because for decades we have been asleep at the wheel and now we think quick fixes will solve a deeply embedded, multi-faceted problem. It is the character of the men in office that is the problem and again term limits will not fix that. Term limits will also just give more people the opportunity to sit on the sofa and do nothing. All they have to do is say "oh well in a couple of years he will be out office.....pass the beer please"

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Then what we need is a far stricter vetting policy on all candidates, and yes, election fraud is probably the most important issue, coupled with taking all the trash out of the politicized alphabet agencies.

However, I still believe there should be term limits, there is nothing worse than a career politician. Oh yes, excuse me, there is, a career politician with a law degree.

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We can fix absolutely nothing if we have stolen elections and stolen elections is viral and it is pervasive in EVERY state. Career politicians are in there for life because for decades people just kept voting them back into office not knowing a single thing they did. Long before widespread election fraud people just pulled the lever for the same guy over an over again. So you want term limits to fix a people problem. Geeeeez. Again we are always looking for someone else to fix us. We were the problem. We allowed the geezers to stay in office. We allowed election fraud by not standing up and screaming to heavens when they implemented early voting, ballot boxes, ballot harvesting, mail in ballots, same day registration, voting on line. WE THE PEOPLE allowed this to happen. The House of Representatives is supposed to represent the people. How many famers are in the House?? How many just plain old housewives are in the House?? Our House of Representatives represents lawyers, doctors and crooks.

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Your comment is ridiculous. You obvious missed the point.

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Aww. Why can’t we all just get along?

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Term limits is not the answer. All that means is we will have more of a turn over of criminals. The problem is we elect or have selected for us politicians when what we need are statesmen. A politician only worries about the next election. A statesman only worries about the next generation. Until start electing statesmen all the term limits in the world won't stop their crimes. And what happens when no one steps up to run for office??? Our founders did not put term limits in the Constitution for a reason. Term limits happen at the ballot box (of course our elections are nothing but a fraud) and until we clean up election fraud term limits is meaningless.

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Ban all lawyers from political office and that will solve a large portion of the problem. 95%, or more, of our politicians are lawyers, and we all know, lawyers are lowest scum of the earth.

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Tide Pods indeed! Great article and it gave me the 1st laugh in days. They are not even hiding the corruption anymore they just are going right along as if opposition is just irrelevant.

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Thank you Raheem for this piece. Out of the mouth of a Socialist comes another revealing statement. Their dilemma: selling out our nation vs guarding America's sovereignty.

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Your missed in the Warroom!

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Amen. Raheem was the reason I watched. I also miss his National Pulse show.

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Leave it to Raheem to dig up the deep state dirt!! Miss him on War Room.

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That lady should not be in government!! She is willing to give the young people to the CCP verses saving them from them!!

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Thank you for bringing this to our attention. In her greed for power she is sacrificing our children and our country.

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"One of the few times I find a use for Sen. Marco Rubio" lolololol

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Great catch! Too many shiny balls being thrown at us. Talk about saying out loud what was only supposed to be rolling around in your corrupt little head!

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So it's OK to allow China to spy on our people so the dimocRATS can get the votes of Tiky Toky users, got it!

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Our whole family went no tiktok last year- and we’re all the better for it. Parents... stand up for your kids

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I love the people on Warroom - but if Bannon has to leave for a while, you are the only one who can fill in.

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I was introduced to Raheem, way back when Paul Joseph Watson, interviewed him about his book "No Go Zones."

I think they would make a great pair.

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Everything is about money and power at the expense of our kids. We are driving full speed off a cliff.

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The cliff is behind us. we are in the air now. It is just about managing the sudden stop at the bottom now.

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Raimondo is exactly the same as every single member of the Brandon administration, incompetent and sold out grifter

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Here they all are, US congressmen, senators, and the elitists in power crapping all over TikTok because it's a tool to gather intel and has shady data practices. They want to ban it for national security reasons. OK, so Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, etc. etc. etc. did and continue to do the exact same thing (except they are doing it for the deep state which is also very bad maybe as bad a China) yet that's OK - no need to ban those. I'd argue those represent a threat to our national security too.

I say it's all bad and ban them all. People are addicted to this crap and it's all bad.

I've never used any of them and I'm not missing anything.

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Raheem, I really think I have an interesting perspective on this very real, inter-generational cult, having been groomed into it throughout my childhood in the 70s, and forced to flee their violent operant conditioning and psychological abuse for my very life age 15 in 1980.

Since then all my babies died in the facilities legalized and funded by their own grandfather, who helped write and pass the laws in Ontario that created the abortion industry here.

I am missing my right eye, removed as an infant under circumstances no one will honestly account for, and which I have no memory of - that this occurred in Montreal approx 1967 concerns me greatly, due to the MKUltra activities exposed there since.

I want no money, and am not trying to be a blogger or alt media personality. Please don't tell me to write a book - I am still white knuckling my grip on reality, 50 years since figuring out my family were Satanists who wanted genocide, and were already in govt pursuing this goal.

I am merely a witness - please consider my direct personal experience with this very real conspiracy to plunge the west into Satanism, which goes back a century at least in my govt family.

They have achieved about 90% of their goals already. We've been walking the plank for decades - all we have to do is keep going.

Not much further now.

Adam Harry Cassidy


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