I watched the King's Man and totally agree with you. They ruined the franchise. Yep that licking healing scene was sick.

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Wow! You're really human - you watch TV and movies. I don't. Love you!!!

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Thank you for the reviews.

Never liked fresh prince but the Ted K looks good.

Ted K... Sounds like a new drug or something.

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I'm not much of a TV series watcher so I Never saw the 1st "Bel Air" series, But I did follow the whole Ted K story as it unfolded. Quite an interesting disturbed man. I think his cabin became an early influence on the Tiny House movement, particularly when people were actually building them themselves. = downsizing, off grid, saving money and living more simply and purposefully. This may be quite important in the coming years.

I am quite a reader, wide ranging, and one series I have read every book (25 now) is Jack Reacher by Lee Child. Amazon has released an 8 parter of the 1st book Killing Floor. They got the casting right this time,and it is well worth watching. I would love to see your review of it.

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Thank you Raheem. It’s difficult to get conservative reviews. I miss your TV show & I tried getting National Report updates but I don’t popcast so maybe that is the problem. Thank you for helping to keep we. Conservatives informed!

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Simple enough approach for me... the second you admitted "yeah there's woke....." I'm done. Yeah, that limits a LOT of what I'll watch. It means there are a lot of programs that may otherwise be amazing that I'll miss out on. But I'm done just saying "yeah but, otherwise". F that. I'm done.

As stupid as it sounds, I'm finding more and more that I'm gravitated toward Korean shows, some European / Scandinavian, etc. Many have absolutely ZERO woke culture war BS whatsoever. Good stories. Horrific voice overs that I'm willing to tolerate just to be entertained by something not jamming mentally ill dogma down my throat.

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Won’t bother with Bel Air. I refuse to listen to any BLM crap. I’ve quit many shows because of wokeness and not sorry.

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True!! Just miss you so much daily in the war room!!!!!!!🥰😘💕❤️

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Anything portraying the FBI, DOJ, CIA or any other USG agencies as the good guys is just bs and unwatchable now. Like a series about how admirable Mao was.

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Good to see you fitting in movie reviews when the earth is burning. Xo

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Thank you. The Earth is nothing without culture.

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Thank you! Just miss you daily in the war room! 💕😘😍

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