Feb 18Liked by Raheem Kassam

If written by Christie, I would never flip a page.

But thank you for doing so.

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Feb 18Liked by Raheem Kassam

The only gymnastics Chris Christie will probably ever do.💀💀

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I doubt I would have read it, but thanks for suffering through it so we won't have to. The guy is such an embarrassment to himself that we just cringe when we see him on anything. Any self awareness? But then, looking at him, any self control?

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Chris Christie and Chris Wray are enemies of America.

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Good grief,🤦‍♀️ I could never even think about reading a book by that big loser Christie. Appreciate your review, but sad to think you wasted money buying it and wasted time reading it.

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I find it important to know what the haters are saying it helps to hone our attacks.

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I appreciate your input, as you always have sound advice/information. I just can’t stomach to hear Christie’s bias opinions and outright lies. He’s just so miserably ignorant.

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Christie should write a memoir about his devotion to hot dogs. Now that’s a subject he’s very familiar with.

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I laughed. I cried. It was better than Cats.

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Chris Christie made himself a giant piece of toxic garbage. If he enters a race, I predict he will only get one vote which is from himself. I doubt he would get any other votes.

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Christie is a POS. A worthless human being.

He should be the actual spokesman for Krispy Creme donuts, that's all he's good for.

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Good review for the fat fks book.

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Thank you for the review. Fat Chris should be more concerned with getting paid from that failed lap band surgery. He's bigger now than he was before the surgery. The man doesn't look very healthy.

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Waiting for Christie’s cameo on Curb.

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Thanks for reading it… I couldn’t. And you can bet that if it was Reagan running now, instead of Trump, Christie wouldn’t be saying anything different than what he’s saying about Trump.

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The problem with Chris Christy as an author is that any story he tells will be told through the lens of envy for others and hatred for himself

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Chris Christie, synonymous with a-hole.

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Saving my money on this one, like I would have anyway. Great review. Short and too the point, and funny!

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