You don’t need any intelligence or command of English to be a fact checker. All you have to do is copy paste the regime’s word salad. The shape of our democracy is at stake!

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Feb 22, 2022Liked by Raheem Kassam

They don’t fact check, get ‘agenda’ check and go from there. Total bullshit every time they post a warning.

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Oh so true Ruth.

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Feb 22, 2022Liked by Raheem Kassam

If I only others were so diligent, we could end all this. But people are naturally lazy and fall for false headlines and fake fack checkers without digging deeper. Google knows this, as do politicians.

IMO, Google has destroyed it's own reputation and credibility. They've proven as a corporation to have less than zero integrity. They've become nothing but a big bully on the Internet. In time, all such corporations collapse. Their foundation is corrupt and everything build upon it will collapse.

This is happening real time to CNN, MSNBC, Twitter, Facebook and more. Moderna stock is collapsing and Pfizer stock is right behind them. Individuals and smaller organizations and corporations propped up by them will fall with them.

Google is a behemoth. But the old axiom, "The bigger they are, the harder they fall" still applies.

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One of my discerning ways is to see who has not been censored(youtube as example) when they offer way out there ideas. Then I consider they are controlled opposition.

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Thanks for investigating this group of fact checkers. I imagined they were Antifa members working a part-time job when not rioting. This is even worse. I never suspected a fact checking business in India. I am currently on a 30 day suspension on Facebook because I posted about Robert Malone, the doctor who discovered mRNA. He worked for Pfizer and warns about the dangers of the vaccines. I received a message that I was endangering the health of people with false information. The fact checkers had previously warned me about posting a photo of Nazis burning books. The photo was violent according to their community guidelines. They also warned me when I posted a photo of Einstein with one of his quotes. False information was their excuse! I guess they have a database of everything Einstein ever said. I'll be out of Facebook jail in a few days.

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Raheem does marvelous journalism, unique in its space.

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Book burning is violence towards books. Oh my!

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Thanks for bringing up Anti-fa!!! People think they are all black bloc with hammers and umbrellas, they are much more, folks, much more!

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You should fact check your comments before posting - (1) Malone didn't discover mRNA (that was done several decades ago by French investigators, Jacob and Monod, if memory serves) Malone was involved in the invention of the mRNA vaccine platform (in the late 1980s) (2) Malone didn't work for Pfizer (that was Michael Yeadon)

Anyway, your experiences on Facebook are worth retelling. One would like to believe that software bots were targeting you with such silly messaging - but from what I know about Silicon Valley, these were probably bots of a human kind.

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Feb 22, 2022Liked by Raheem Kassam

Unfortunately fact checking has been relegated to the same cloud of "real science". I am not surprised to see the academics and science communities embracing the "moral pill". Being a women of science before internet, before math only to justify science, and when experimentation using all data was used to determine science, I saw how the academic and science communities changed. In order to receive grants and accolades one must change the facts to meet the narrative. Unfortunately journalism in the form of Randolph Hearst's conception maneuvered public opinion to the ways of those who lusted for power. It was these very journalists who rewrote science according to the "powers that be" fact checkers of the time. They called it idea marketing back then. It was founded on principles of what I call "circular psychology". That was go to a therapist and talk talk talk about how you feel. No emotional resolution, no spiritual resolution, just talk. That pushes your emotions down within you as you relive what ever started that emotional ball rolling and you have a professional helping you. Now if you would go the spiritual route whatever one you chose, you will be given support to learn what spiritual insight is there for you and then to release the emotions upward to your creator, God, Source or what other name you call it. Spirituality teaches forgiveness. These changes we are experiencing in our world now which this "morality pill" is one more step into an abyss of anti-spiritualism. It is more than taking over our minds. They want our souls as well. It is time for all spiritually minded people to end divisions and respect each other regardless of detailed disagreements. The 19th century was their slow hypnotic cultural mind control using journalism, education and science as the main vehicles to tell you what and how to think with fake journalists. Interesting how they twisted your point of the fact that talks about such evil are being considered by people who know better. Thank you brave journalist Raheem for conducting real research for real facts. We are winning.

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Why can't our thinkers mass market our ideology? We have the talent, so why aren't they in the game?? Sorry Raheem, I know you're a player but we must aim for the heavens if we're to survive. ✌️

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Feb 22, 2022Liked by Raheem Kassam

As if we need another reason to trust big tech.

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Feb 22, 2022Liked by Raheem Kassam

Is there a site or resource that rates the fact checkers? Would be a fun endeavor.

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Feb 22, 2022Liked by Raheem Kassam

I loved reading this! You have now done more investigating than the NY TIMES. 😁 Great article and I also follow you on Instagram. I really enjoy your colorful socks, even though Jack Posobiec doesn't! 😇

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If you make up your own facts and preface your introduction to those facts with "Experts say", the Democrat voter will always believe you. This is how you keep a corrupt regime in power. Like Goebbels said: "Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it and the people (i.e. Democrats) will believe it."

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I've always maintained that most of the "fact checkers" wear a dhoti and live in a dirt-floored hovel in Bangalore.

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Thank you, this was informative and interesting, especially the point about article ratings won't change when the facts change.

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Feb 22, 2022·edited Feb 22, 2022

I think you should contact @scammerpayback a k a Pierogi or @JimBrowning11 who are experts on tech scams running out of India,specially by suspicious bangladeshis using fictitious Indian sounding names.

These scammers have sweet relationships with pichai/google which aids in their scams.

I'm sure these scambusters will already have a dossier on these India based scammers now pretending to be "fact checkers".

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Ha ha ha! I watch those YouTube accounts all the time!

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Appears Google et al would do well taking a Morality pill.

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How about a truth pill to expose if they are telling the truth or lying. Actually there is a way to do that. Put what they write or if they talk in a bubble of pale orange. If the pale orange stays it is truth. If they stop talking or the color leaves or changes they are lying. It works for me.

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I challenged the Indians in Cyber City and forgot about it ... Going through old substack one day I decided to check it out... They removed the Fact Check and uncensored the photo... 12+ year old personal Profile still permanently suspended (gone forever)

Be kind - this was written within my first couple weeks on this platform


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I'll bet Bob works there, He is the guy that answers the phone when I call Ebay to complain how they screwed me and not the seller!

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