NeoCon Douglas Murray Attacks ‘Trumpian Right’ Because We Don’t Want to Fund Zelensky’s Forever War.
I shared an office with this flaccid fool many years ago, and I've been trying to warn people about him ever since. Now maybe they'll listen.
Effete neoconservative commentator Douglas Murray has penned a bizarre essay for The Free Press attacking the America First movement’s indifference toward the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine, name-checking figures like Erik Prince and Stephen K. Bannon while implying the President’s base is somehow pro-Putin due to their refusal to side with globalists attempting to expand NATO and the European Union.
According to Murray—who feigned support for President Trump during the latter stages of his campaign, even appearing at Mar A Lago at the invitation of Elon Musk—Murray wraps his argument in standard Cold War-era tropes, falsely attacking American populists and nationalists as “admirers” of Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Ukraine is not just a country that the Trumpian right has never visited. It is a fantasy country that they imagine they know everything about,” wrote Murray, failing to recognize that I, one of the first “Trumpian right” reporters in the business, was on the ground during Kiev’s Maidan revolution in 2013. Murray, on the other hand, was not.
“Wittingly or otherwise, the MAGA online right started to absorb Russia’s narrative on Ukraine: that it isn’t a real country, that the Ukrainians aren’t a real people, that if they are a real people, then they are uniquely corrupt,” writes Murray, conveniently leaving out the fact that both independent auditors and indeed the pro-Ukraine media has ranked the nation one of the most corrupt in the world, and certainly the most corrupt in Europe.
“On and on it went: that Ukrainian soldiers are “literal” Nazis,” Murray continues, obfuscating that the nation’s Azov battalion especially is, in fact, replete with Nazis and predicated on its founder’s admiration of Adolf Hitler.
Murray then attacks people who allege, “that Zelensky is constantly buying villas and yachts in the south of France, that the whole war is one big money-laundering operation, that Ukraine’s war to push the Russians back is unwinnable because of the great might of the Russian army—and that the whole thing is a giant waste of U.S. taxpayers’ money.”
“Of course, almost all the allegations the MAGA right makes against Ukraine are infinitely truer of Putin’s Russia,” he concludes, failing to understand the point that American taxpayers aren’t propping up Russia, while they are propping up Ukraine, rendering his whatabouttery totally without merit.
President Donald J. Trump is pushing for a peace deal in the Russia-Ukraine conflict not out of some misguided ideological appreciation of Putin, but out of a recognition of American geopolitical interests—that is, to extract American resources from a European conflict—and the realistic fact that time is on Russia’s side. Under former President Biden, the United States committed billions of taxpayer dollars to what became little more than a Ukrainian campaign of stalling and delaying the inevitable—prolonging the death and suffering of servicemen and civilians.
Additionally, Murray asserts—in a homoerotic critique—that America First populists and nationalists were “irritated that unheroic and distinctly unmasculine figures such as Justin Trudeau of Canada were suddenly able to present themselves as wartime leaders.” In reality, the “irritation” is that globalist leaders are insistent that the American people continue to underwrite the military needs of Europe without regard for the needs of Americans back at home.
Murray is openly gay and is believed to be living in New York with his current boyfriend, a gay Mexican pornography participant.
While he contends that the “MAGA right” has embraced a caricature of Ukraine as a corrupt and inept nation, he himself appears to be arguing against his own imagined caricature of the “MAGA right.”
The Ukrainian government and military have, in fact, been rocked by internal corruption that has hampered its war effort. President Trump and his MAGA supporters recognize that there are limits to American power, and expending that power on conflicts well outside the national interest only serves to weaken the nation and prolong the killing, which Murray–the author of “Neoconservatism: Why We Need It”–appears all too in favor of.
Will Upton and Jack Montgomery contributed to this report.
His snide and condescending "Trumpian Right" garbage tells me all I need to know about him. It's so funny that I've traveled the world, I am a copious reader and love history and possess logic and critical thinking skills but because I am smart enough to search out independent facts, and use my own brain and eyes to assess this "war" and argue that my tax dollars should not be funding it, I am somehow inferior and less intelligent than Murray and worthy of disdain. Murray sounds like a complete douche bag to be honest.
Douglas is gay and unfortunately he can not get past Russia's stance on homosexuality. All his intelligence cannot prevent him from having that particular knee jerk reaction. Zelensky on the other hand was dancing in fish nets and stilettos on TV just a few years back... it's an entirely emotional position on his part in my opinion.